6 | To Slay A Jabberwocky

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"I don't care if you hate me for this!" He yelled into my ear, "but if you don't get up now, I'm going into the kitchen to grab my tea kettle!"

Ugh...my head was pounding, and my eyes seemed to be closed shut with glue. Not to mention, the sunlight streaming in through the window was blinding me with it's harsh glares. I had been resisting the attempts at getting me out of bed, whether it be pulling a pillow over my head, or groaning in anger, but Louis persisted.

Sleep...I want it.

"I'm going to pour tea on you!" The boy exclaimed.

"Go away..."

"It's almost two hours past noon, and you still haven't gotten up."


There was a sigh, before I heard him shuffle over to the bed and kneel down beside it. Then I felt his hands on my face again, squeezing my cheeks in between his fingers. I didn't even open my eyes, expecting him to slap me into productivity, but his next words caught me off guard.

"I'd like to apologize beforehand for lack of consent," he said quickly, "but I'd rather not burn you with boiling water, and you can't seem to get up on your own volition."

And then I felt something soft press against my forehead.

And I knew exactly what it was.

"I'm up!" I said, shooting out of the bed in almost an instant, "please tell me you did not just kiss my forehead, Louis, please!"

He was already doubling over in laughter, nearly falling onto the wooden floor. I pressed myself into the furthest corner of the space, my forehead tingling with what felt like tiny needles poking into my skin.

"Why didn't you just shake me awake?" I exclaimed, rubbing my eyes.

Louis frowned, "I did, and you still wouldn't get up."

"Why didn't you scream into my ear?"

"I did."

"Why didn't you just smack me concio—" I stopped myself. "Never mind, I'm glad you didn't do that."

"Besides, it was only your forehead, and I knew you'd be so violated you'd rise from the dead to try and murder me," he yawned, "and don't worry, I won't ever touch you without your consent again."

I blinked, "okay."

"Is that all you have to say?"



What I really wanted to say was 'that felt kinda nice, can you do it again? I think I was too asleep to actually remember it', but there was no way I'd ever say that. That would escalate things to the furthest degree, and I was too tired to take that risk. I ended up saying:

"I'm going to get changed now, please leave the room."

Louis immediately stopped laughing, gathering himself before shuffling out of the room and shutting the door behind him. I exhaled. Then I exhaled again. I couldn't decide whether I should be embarrassed, or annoyed, or daydreaming about the fact that a cute boy kissed my forehead like it was a run-of-the-mill kinda thing.

I decided to go with embarrassment.

Emma and Daniel had tailored some of Louis' old clothes to fit me the night before, so when I swung open the dust closet, I had a whole bunch of options to pick through. Pink shirts, blue shirts, red shirts, leather, leather, polos, polos, wow there was a lot.

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