14 | She

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BY THE TIME I WOKE UP, Louis was still sleeping.

After a shocking revelation yesterday (yes, I'm talking about snogging), Louis and I decided to cancel training for today, and just hang out. Get used to the whole 'I'm dating you' speil, and use a schedule free day as an excuse to laze around.

But as I said before, Louis was still sleeping, so I was positively bored out of my mind as I trudged into the kitchen.

My first thought was to go outside and water the plants, but I remembered I was still wearing his sweater, and I didn't want to get dirt on it. My second thought was to wake Louis up, but then I remembered he'd probably kill me for it.

So I decided I should make some tea.

Usually, Louis was the one to make the beverage around the house, but since he was sprawled out on the couch, his mouth ajar as he mumbled random words in his sleep, I had to take matters into my own hands. He probably could do with a piping hot drink when he awoke.

"Where do you keep your tea?" I mumbled under my breath, popping open the mint-colored cabinets, "always so unorganized."

At one point I accidentally slammed a door, causing the sleeping boy to stir, but then he rolled over and let out a loud snore. I stifled a laugh, returning to my search.

I spotted the mahogany box hidden behind his top hat, which was on the kitchen table. Waltzing over there, I picked up the set, running my hands over the carvings on the top as I hurried towards the stove. Spillings, it read, a word I recognized from the first day I had come to Wonderland.

Clicking on the fire with my left hand, I set the box on the table, flipping it open with my right. I came face to face with an assortment of different flavors and colors, none of which I recognized. They read: Blackfriar, Jester, Majesty, Romeo, Darling, Cheeky, and Skipper.

What peculiar names. They made no sense.

I was about to pick up Blackfriars, when I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist, pulling me backwards into a behind-the-shoulder hug. If I didn't recognize the familiar chesnut hair, I might have drop-kicked the boy into the next room out of surprise.

"Morning, darling," Louis yawned, resting his head on my shoulder, "I see you've found my tea set."

I smiled, "indeed, I have."

"Were you going to make me tea?"

"Indeed, I was."

"Adorable," he muttered, although it sounded like he was saying that more so to himself than to me. Kissing my cheek, he reached over my shoulder to grab a yellow tea bag, dropping it into my hand. "I want that one."

I was so glad he couldn't see the stupid grin on my face.

It wouldn't leave my face, even after he'd left to change, and even after the water had already boiled over. It wouldn't leave my face, even after Louis tried to brush out my hair, and even after he made me cranberry scones.

I was just genuinely happy, and I didn't want to let go of the feeling.

"Should we say it?" Louis whispered discreetly, leaning over to address me, "or is now not a good time?"

We were all gathered in the field, James, Oliver, Harry, Emma, and Daniel, prior to another exhausting training session—which consisted of me sweeping Louis off his feet, literally. Draco apparently wasn't bothered to come, and was therefore absent.

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