13 | Hey, Hey, Hey Lover

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YA'LL, idk WHY this gif even exists, but look! It's my two Louis books in one gif! Also, the song is pretty cute, so give it a listen if you wish. Okay, just thought I'd share, that's all...byers! 

enjoy :)




THE NEXT THREE WEEKS WERE FILLED with insurmountable joy.

Louis and I held true to our promise of taking things slow, a mutual respect to not rush things. We wanted to get it right the first time. And, at first it was a tad bit awkward, with Louis not sure when he'd be able to ask me to be his girlfriend, but I assured him I could wait.

I had a jabberwocky to train for, and worrying about the picky parts of relationships was too distracting for now.

If...a relationship was something he felt prepared to have.

 I wasn't entirely sure if it was something I wanted either, considering I had never been in one before, but I tried my best not to psych myself out of it. It couldn't be that bad, could it? Commitment?

Those were the types of thoughts that flooded through my mind in the darkest of hours, and I found it easier to remember the good things to keep them at bay. The memories birthed out of my stay here in Wonderland.


"Take it," Louis urged, a smile painted all over his face, "come on, darling, I really don't mind."

He might not have minded, but I minded incredibly. Was he actually being serious? We'd just gotten back from an overrunning training session, and he surprised me with a gift—no, not a gift—something I couldn't accept.

We were sitting on the couch back at his cottage, the warmth of the flickering fire beside us just like most of the nights before this. I was wearing his red sweater again, and he was wearing his navy tee and sweats, but what was he thinking? He was holding out his silver chain in his hand, begging for me to take it.

His iconic silver chain. The one he had worn every single day, every single hour, and every single second. Why was he giving it to me?

"I can't take that," I sighed, holding up my hands defensively, "that's like, your thing, Louis, I can't possibly wear that."

He chuckled, "it's a necklace, not an heirloom."

"But it's your favorite!"

"Which is why I want you to wear it," he smiled, dropping it into my lap, "do me a favor and keep it safe, okay?"


He cut me off. "Darling?"

"Are you sure?"

"More than anything."


Emma and Daniel took me to Yenqum's village the other day, and I realized how exciting it felt to go shopping. Back at the finishing school, you were only allowed a few personal belongings, and your dorm room was plainer than a blank sheet of paper.

So I was ecstatic for the world of interior design.

Thankfully things were strange here in Wonderland, so instead of money, they had other things: mushrooms, flowers, spare change, pocket lint, and anything else really. It was fascinating.

WONDERLAND ✯ Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now