7 | Tweedle Dee & Dums

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Wonderland is a math test that you didn't study for, didn't even know was happening, and the second it's time to take it....you look at question 1 and know you're done for.

That's how I feel at this present moment. I wasn't prepared for this mystical world, and now I'm training to slay beasts when I really should be getting an earful back at the finishing school for running away from my chores.

But then...

Just as you're taking the test (or falling down rabbit holes), you feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around. It's a boy you haven't met before, but he's offering you a paper with all the test answers on it.

It's risky; you could get caught by the teacher, or you could pass the test.

So do you take his offer or decline?

I don't know! Don't ask me, I literally can't begin to think about an answer, which is why I'm coming up with stupid metaphors like math tests and Wonderland. Gosh, I really don't belong here.

But the point is, I'm feeling confused about Louis Patridge —the mad hatter that he is. He helped me gain my balance during this morning's training, but then he proceeded to jettison off towards Yenqum's village with the excuse that he needed more teacups. I couldn't tell if he was being genuine with his answer, or if he was just trying to tease me.

My head was still dizzy from the whole 'can I touch you' thing too. Sigh. I'm not qualified for having a brain, I can barely use it.

So here I was, laying on the grass field, staring up at the blue sky hopelessly. Emma and Daniel accompanied Louis off to Yenqums', so I was alone.


Or not.

Leaping up from my spot on the grass, I turned in surprise to see two familiar figures fall out of a tree and onto the ground. The red hair told me it was the Phelps twins immediately. At first they scrambled back onto their feet, dusting off their blue overalls, but then they looked at me suspiciously. How long had they been watching me from the tree?

"Morning," Oliver said, trudging over to where I was.

I blinked, "it's the afternoon."

"Only if you say it is," James cut in, "and we say it's morning, so it must be morning."

Gosh, this place was weird.

I slumped back onto the grass, tugging at the zipper of my leather jacket nervously. To add onto that math test, this new conversation was turning out to be another pop quiz. Where was Louis when you needed him? He was the only one who actually seemed half-a-bit like me.

My thoughts were cut off by the two twins dropping down next to me, James on my left, and Oliver on my right.

"Beautiful day, isn't it?" Oliver grinned.

I nodded, "yep."

"Beautiful scenery."


"Beautiful grass."

I squinted my eyes as I stared up at the sky, suspicion creeping into my mind. "Mhm."

"Beautiful trees."


"Beautiful Louis."

"Yup," I said.

And then it hit me like an ice cream truck hydroplaning down a highway at five million miles per hour. Shooting back onto my feet, I tried to ignore the insane beating of my heart as I stared at the two grinned twins. They had been planning it, and I had been too distracted to notice.

WONDERLAND ✯ Louis PartridgeWhere stories live. Discover now