20 | Forgive

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yes, I write to this playlist.
yes, it scares me a lil' bit.

and yes, I wanted to share for fun :)




After pushing open the red door, I didn't know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't seeing another giant cell with a boy sprawled out unconsciously in the center of the floor. I nearly yelled out in panic—but I couldn't risk attracting any more guards.

But that's why I thought he was dead.

Lying there, cold, clothes fraying, eyes shut tight, and body motionless. For a moment I thought I had lost him, and it nearly broke me. No, not nearly. It did. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces as I held my breath, praying that whatever I saw was just an illusion.

And miraculously it was.

Louis' body twitched slightly, his brows furrowing as he began to twist around on the floor. He was sleeping. I didn't know for how long, but it was clear he was having a nightmare by the way he started to thrash and sweat.

Letting the door shut behind me, I rushed over to the cell, slipping my arm through the cell and grabbing his hand.

"Louis," I said, my breath heavy, "Louis, you have to wake up."

He couldn't hear me, but began to mumble phrases out of gritted teeth and short exhales. 'Please don't' he mumbled, followed by another twist, and 'please don't go'. I squeezed his hand tighter, tugging lightly on his arm in worry.

"Come on, you have to wake up..." I urged, "can you hear me?"

After another firm tug, Louis' eyes fluttered open, drooping slightly out of exhaustion, until he was staring at me with a half-lidded gaze.

He gripped my hand tighter, still drowsy, "[y/n]...?"

"It's me, Louis, it's me."

"You're back..."

"I'm back."

I couldn't help but smile as he slowly sat up, a wistful gaze seeping onto his face as he realized he wasn't dreaming. Both of us stared at each other momentarily, basking in the feeling of being reunited, before he lunged himself against the bars to pull me closer.

"Darling," he says, "you're here? How did you get-"

"Louis, now's not the time," I sighed, cutting him off, "we have to get you out of here."

He didn't listen, continuing to ramble as he stared at me through the metal barrier between us. I wished so badly to talk to him, to tell him the truth, and ask him what happened while I was gone, but now wasn't the time. A guard could notice the rest had escaped, and time was of the essence.

"Listen," Louis was still saying, "I've been thinking, and I need to tell you—"

"Save it," I said.

Letting go of his hand, I stood back onto my feet, grabbing my dagger and pressing the blade flatly into the palm of my hand. The lock on his cell was keyed, probably for the same reason they separated him from the rest, so I couldn't just twist it to unlock it.

Pressing the sole of my boot against the door, I raised my arms, bringing the dagger down onto the chain of the lock and watching as it split in half and fell to the floor with a clatter.

Louis' mouth was hanging open.

"Well, then," I grinned, slipping the knife into my belt, "you were saying?"

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