24 | Love And A Monarchy

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Not because I didn't know what to choose, but because I wasn't sure how to break the news. I knew some people wouldn't agree, and others would, but it was just a big mess that I didn't want to touch at the moment.

In case my decision ended up being the wrong one, I wanted to revel in the peace for a second more. Battles done, wounds healing, scars faded.

So, I sat on the edge of the cliff, my legs dangling off the edge as I stared at the kingdom in front of me. It seemed brighter already—the sun shining, the birds singing, the colors more vibrant and less...red. The Queen of Hearts was gone for good.

A crunching of leaves attracted my attention, and I snapped my head around to see Louis pushing through the uneven branches of the trees behind me. He looked frazzled; like he'd been preparing a list of things to say, but forgot it as soon as he plopped down beside me.

"Hi," he said breathily.

"Hello," I said back.

There was a pause, where he focused his attention on his fingernails, picking at some of the black polish that was already starting to chip off. I waited for him to speak. And he did, but it took him a while to gather the words.

"I understand if you want to leave here," he said finally, although it sounded more like a sigh, "it's your choice, and I shouldn't interfere."

I cocked a brow. "What makes you think I chose to leave?"

"What makes you want to stay?"

"A lot of things," I smiled to myself, leaning onto the palms of my hands, "you."

Louis' eyes flickered, and he stayed silent, egging me on for an explanation. I wasn't sure why he needed one—he is technically my boyfriend now, although we never had much time to salvage the labels—but maybe he just wanted to hear me say it. As reassurance for my decision to leave my world behind for him.

"I've grown to find..." I started, staring into the darkening sky, "that the life I had before wasn't a life at all, and a life here with you is the perfect one."

He grinned. "Perfect?"

"For lack of a better word."

Exhaling in amusement, Louis didn't try to hide his admiration as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a hug. I made my choice to stay. Officially. Not that I had any doubts about it in the first place, but it was still nerve racking to make such an important choice.

Kissing the top of my head, I felt him rest his chin there as he relaxed into the hug.

"I love you," he mumbled, "darling."

I smiled into his arms, "and I'd die for you."

"You almost did."

"I know."

"Thanks for ruining the mood with that," he chuckled, pulling away and ruffling his hand through my hair, "you're an idiot sometimes, you goof."

Grabbing his hand, I tugged him onto his feet, beginning to lead him back through the forest. I had to tell the others (and Alice, specifically) that I would not be going back up the Rabbit Hole ever again.

"I love you too, Louis Partridge," I grinned, squeezing his hand, "now let's go."

( I'm going to pretend like that wasn't cheesy :)

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