Part 30- New pressure

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I woke up this morning to 40 new notifications on wattpad.
I just figured people were dropping comments on my story and they were very interesting to read.
Shout out to idazzleme and ngzollawa.
Thanks a lot🤗.

   ~My 7th year without Nathan ~

"Mum, I think it's high time you came out plain already." I said looking at her.

"You know my decision on this issue, but each time, you oppose my choice.
you've not even suggested anything to me yet.
It's almost like you are scared of pointing out what you would have me  do"
I raised my voice as my growing rage could be heard in my words.

I tried to keep my temper in check for she was already driving me crazy.

She was unmoved by my rage and didn't even look at me.
That made me even angrier.

"Sis, you know mum doesn't mean any harm. She always wants what's best for us. And as it seems, you look unsure of your decision"
Ola spoke calmly gesturing with her hands

I looked at her and sighed,looking away again.

"Then she should point out clearly what she would have me do and stop beating about the bush. It only gets me more confused than I already am" I retorted.

"I think you know what we all are suggesting" Oge replied, her eyes fixed on me.

"I can't go on thinking of what you might mean. Come out clear already!!" I was shouting but I didn't care.

"You know what we mean, but since you claim you don't, I would spell it out to you. Amara marry again!!
Amara end this punishment you call marriage and find someone else. This is the time to move on"
Mum said widening her eyes, emphasizing how serious and unafraid she was.

I opened my mouth wide to say something but the words didn't come.

I wasn't surprised at her words, but I thought she would never grow bold enough to say it outrightly.

I looked at my sisters who sat close to her and they weren't saying anything. They looked unfazed.

Oge readjusted her third child who was sitting on her lap, while Ola was consciously avoiding my eyes.

"Why did you think I was pressuring you to get married at first ? Why?" She asked like she didn't care for an answer.

"Women have time Amara, a short time. You are 40 this year and your husband has 8 more years to go. A couple who decide to get married this year would have at least 3 children by the time your husband is released, and you would still be without one" She was angry, I could feel it in her tone.

I avoided her eyes as she pointed out the truth to me.

"Marriage isn't always about children mum, it's about commitment and love" I said.

She laughed mockingly and I looked towards her.

"Oh really?,
Educate me, I didn't know.
If I had known , I wouldn't have thought of having you three.
I would have just loved and committed to your father.
And maybe then, you wouldn't be sitting here talking to me about love"She said rolling her eyes at me.

MY YEARS WITHOUT YOUWhere stories live. Discover now