Part 17- Meeting the Amahs👫

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"We are almost there Amara" he said smiling.

I was quiet as I released a forced smile.

"I'm scared Nath" I said as the fear clouded my voice.

I reached out for his free hand and held on tight to it.

He looked away from the road and looked at me. To my surprise , he stopped the car by the roadside.

"There's nothing to be scared of. My parents don't bite..." He smiled as he held my hands in his.

"I know Nath, but you know how these things get. Your mum might not like me and maybe your dad too.  I'm really scared , I don't think I'm ready to meet them yet" my voice was extremely low and shaky.

"Hey, you are just letting your imaginations rule you. It couldn't get any worse. They would be so pleased I promise you. I mean I'm 35 and I've never brought a woman home. They can't help but be excited." He smiled.

I smiled too, though not fully convinced.

"Have you even seen you? You are more than a perfect match. I don't think you should be scared of not being liked. I love and want you and that's all that should matter to you okay?" He said arching a brow.

I smiled deeply and reached to hug him.

"I would move when you are ready. I'm sure they are expecting us" he looked at me.

"Who are the they?" I asked.

He laughed "it's just mum and Dad , my siblings are all married remember?"

I just nodded in recall.

"We can go now, I think I'm ready" I said.

He smiled as he let go of my hand and started the car.

His parent's house looked good, more like it had been renovated. I could tell from building materials lying around and because Nathan had mentioned it earlier.

What a good son he must be to be pulling it all off by himself.

Just when he parked , my heart began beating again.

"I know your heart is pounding , I can hear it" he said laughing as he demonstrated the heart beat with his hands.

"It's not funny Nath" I said sternly.

"I'm sorry for being insensitive" he said calmly.

I took a deep breath and an even deeper one next.

"Don't worry, I would hold your hand through it all" he said reaching for my hand.

I smiled.

"Are you ready to get out now?" He asked.

"Like you would drive me back to odure if I say No" I said rolling my eyes at him as I reached for the car door.

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