Part 33-You are Beautiful❤

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I'm here again.
Who else is ready to start this beautiful chapter because I am.


~Amara's POV~

I saw him walk into the visiting room.
He still looked as handsome as ever except that his fair skin had darkened a bit.

A lot of things had changed about him and surprisingly I was just noticing them.

Maybe I had let sadness and grief cloud my eyes that I couldn't notice how good he still looked despite his sufferings.

He smiled deeply at me as he came closer.

"Amy--rah" he said as he chuckled.

"What's that? A new name for me ?"

"You like it?" He asked arching his brows as he sat down.

I shook my head and he laughed at my rejection.

"You've really changed Nath" I uttered when he stopped laughing.

His eyes widened
"Are there wrinkles?"He asked immediately.

" what?,
No, why would you think so?" I replied chuckling.

I found him take a sigh of relief.

"You would still get old you know right?" I asked laughing.

"Yes, but till then"
"So what changes?" He asked curiously.

"You are a bit darker, but that's not bad."

He looked at his arms and then back at me.

"Yeah I noticed that, what else?"he asked leaning forward.

"Why are you so curious, Nath?" I asked laughing.

He shrugged and still kept his brows arched expecting an answer.

I laughed at that as he smiled in response.

"Your beards" I said pointing to his chin.

"They look well shaved ,and I like how full they are now. They look good" I smiled.

He touched it and still kept his brow arched.

"What else do you want to hear?"

"Com'on babe, say it already"

"Say what?" I chuckled.

"You are not seeing any change, should stand up".he said making to stand up.

I laughed.

" I can't see anything" I said reaching for my bag.

I saw his eyes fall low in disappointment.

"And you look bigger, the muscles are popping really" I said as I looked at his downcast face.

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