Little activity for my readers🤗

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Hey guys,

I once said this wonderful book would soon come to an end.

Now I would like to give you an opportunity to predict how this great book would end.

This is more like a review page where you are free to make your suggestions in the comment section also.

I know most of you would want it to end in favour of Amara , but who knows🤷🤷 some others might just want it for Nathan.

Now is your chance to navigate this story in your favour.
Make your predictions now.

At the end of the book, you would get to know if yours was correct.

There's a prize of course for the winner.

I'm tempted to say the end of this book is completely unpredictable,😂 but you guys might just surprise me.

Thanks for the love everyday. Keep it coming🥰💞.

Remember, the book EJIRÓ would be dropping soon.

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