Part 67- The reveal.

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I was tired of playing games, not like it was my intention initially, but I was tired.

Damilare was getting closer everyday that went by.
I had become a huge part of his life and I could see it from his actions.

He strongly believed that we had a life together, that fate had brought us back for a reason.

I therefore didn't doubt his feelings for me, but I shouldn't have let it linger this long.

It wasn't my plan to lie to him and along the way , he never really brought those talks back.

Maybe he was so scared of opening fresh wounds and he didn't want me hurt again.

I should tell him , I thought.

Was I prepared for what would come afterwards?
What if he leaves and never turns back to me again.
I would be shattering his hopes if I do.

He always knew when to come I thought as I stood at the door watching him.

He smiled deep which gave his already handsome face a new form.

"Why are you staring at me like it's the first time you are seeing me?" He asked smiling.

"Won't you let me in?" He asked already walking in.

I smiled sparsely as my conscience pricked me now more than ever.

He sat down and watched me from where he sat.

I stood watching his happy face.

"You are excited" I said as he stood and walked towards me.

"Of course I am ,and seeing you makes me more excited" he said stealing a kiss from my lips.

He did that often nowadays, and for a while I didn't know what we were.

But I knew for sure I was beginning to like him and that was why I felt obliged to tell him this truth.

"I have something to tell you Amara" he said  , his voice and countenance changing.

He sounded tensed as he stood in front of me , his eyes piercing through mine.

"I have something to tell you too" I stammered.

"Oh, you do? What is it?" He asked holding my shoulders while he looked at me.

"After you" I said faintly as he smiled and muttered an "okay".

He hesitated, like he was taking his time but he didn't stop looking at me.

"The thing is.." he managed to say after what seemed like for ever.

He swallowed hard as he continued.

"I've been thinking these past few days.
Thinking about how far we've come and how in these past months, you've managed to add more beauty to my life which was sour." He spoke, his eyes looking away for a bit.

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