Part 56- I saw Dad😲

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"How are you getting along?" I asked Nma's mother whom I had come to see.

" I'm okay" she said smiling.
I didn't believe her because she looked very pale but I chose not to press any further.

"I'm just becoming tired of having to sit indoors doing nothing" she said.

"That's what comes with retirement " I smiled.

She nodded slowly as she turned her concentration from the TV to me.

"How's your mum?" She asked.

" Oh , she's okay. Still disturbing as always" I laughed.

She laughed too .

"Probably we would meet someday. Our daughters had been friends for so long and we never really got to meet" she said frowning a bit.

"Yeah, that's actually true" I said realizing.

"Still disturbing on the remarrying issue?" She narrowed her eyes.

I smiled avoiding her eyes.

"Yeah, she just chips it in once in a while, not as persuasive as before" I said.

"I see" she uttered.

"What's the plan now?" She asked.

"For?" I asked confused.

  Nma's mother and I had become close after Nma died. She saw me as her kid now so I felt really safe talking to her.

" From now till he's out" she said.

I was silent.

"I would work on my business and on his too , just keep myself busy a little"
I said.

She scuffed.

"You want kids?" She asked slowly.

I nodded.

"You know I hit menopause at 49" she said .

I starred blankly, scared of the fact that she too was going to sound like my mum.

"Well, doesn't mean I don't have chances too" I said .

"I didn't say you don't, your chances are really slim" she said stressing the last word.

I was silent and so was she.

I wanted to ask "what would you have me do?" but on a second thought it sounded disrespectful.

"I like that you remain faithful to this man" she smiled at me.

I smiled back avoiding her eyes.

"You must really love him" she said.

I nodded. I wanted to add that he was the only one I've ever loved , but I felt this old woman wouldn't understand.

" Don't let us get into your head, you wear the shoe and you know where it hurts the most" she added.

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