Part 58- Prison Troubles.

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I'm trying so hard to meet my target of 14th August.

Thank you guys for the support so far❣️.
Don't forget to vote and comment.🙏🙏 .

The prison doors opened again to my face as they always did over the years.

I was sitting waiting for Nathan to walk through again, smiling at me as much as he could.

He walked through again and my face lightened up.
He hadn't seen me yet.

I raised my hand as I always did and his attention was drawn to me.

He smiled sparsely as he walked to me.

"Hey buddy " he called out as he sat.

"Buddy?" I questioned.

"Was only kidding" He laughed at the expression on my face.

"How do you do?" He asked cupping my hands in his.

"I'm fine , you are good?" I said dragging his face in my direction.

I turned to look at what he was looking at.

"Yeah, I'm fine " he forced a smile.

"How has it been in the outside world?" He said jokingly but I read deeper meaning into it.

I cupped his chin as he avoided my eyes.
"What is it? You look worried" I asked

"I'm fine" he uttered holding my hand in place on his face.

He smiled and kissed my palm as he held my hands again.

His smile didn't reach his eyes.
Nath was worried, but as usual, he wasn't spilling the beans.

"Tell me, what's happening with you, work and everything?" He asked.

I sighed.

"Everything is good , work is fine too . We've been doing good so far"

"I see,have you heard from Tobi yet?" He asked.

"No, he hasn't called me yet. The last time we spoke , he claimed to have everything in check" I said.

"Yeah, but from the records he brought the last time , the company's been drifting a bit" he said worried.

I was silent.
"I would look into it ,okay?" I assured.

He nodded.

"You would be out in a bit and manage things yourself " I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Any progress in finding John yet?" He asked.

" He came to the children's school last week" I frowned

"To take them?" Nath asked surprised.

" I can't tell for sure, but we've been careful so far".

"What has the police done with the information so far?" He asked.

"What else asides telling us that they are on it?" I asked no one in particular.

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