Part 45- Date or whatever🤔

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Dedicated to all the beautiful memories you've ever shared with someone.

It was events like this that made me remember Nma.
It's true what they say,
"you never know the value of what you have until you loose it".

Those times when she would come over and dress me up for dates and I just saw it all as a usual thing.
Now that she's gone and I have to do all those things myself, I long for her presence.

My clothes were all scattered on the bed
as I had been searching for what to wear but hadn't found any.

" this shit be crazy! " I cursed as I searched deeper into the clothes.

"How would I be seeing clothes and still have nothing to wear!"  I asked no one as I face palmed.

What was making it harder was the fact that I didn't want to wear a yellow or a white dress.

I met Nathan on a yellow dress and our first date, I was on a white dress.

I wouldn't want to wear any of those on a date with a guy.

"Is this even a date?" I asked as I smiled to myself.

Which 46 year old woman still does hook-ups?

"Knock that thought off!" I heard Nma's voice scream in my head.

I smiled deeper as I muttered her name slowly "Nma"

My phone rang and I knew it was Dami.

"Hey" his voice rang through the phone.

"Hi" I muttered not recognizing my own voice.

I just prayed he wasn't close already.

"I think I've gotten to the supermarket you talked about. The one close to your house." He sounded uncertain.

"You've what?" I said almost shouting.

"Oh no, don't tell me you are not ready yet"?" He said , disappointment spelt in his tone.

"No.. I mean yes!" I stammered

What was I even saying?

"What happened to African time Dami?" I asked laughing.

He laughed deeper.

"I was just pulling your legs Amara.
I just called to say I would soon be around the corner"

I sighed in relief.

"But as it is, you don't sound ready, so maybe I should just stay back?" He asked.

"Oh no,no!!" I broke in.

"I would be ready before you get here, I promise.
I've just been having a difficult time finding what to wear"

"Oh that?" He said laughing.

"How about I get you a dress?" He asked.

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