Part 32-Guilt trap🤐

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"12th year in Jail"

~Nathan's POV~
In jail, time appears to go slowly.
Even at a slow rate, the 12th year is here already.
I can't believe I've been in here that long.

12 years of tears, grief and longing to fall back into the arms of the woman I love.

I see the worry and sadness in her eyes whenever she comes to see me, even though she tries hard to cover it with smiles

No doubt, Amara was truly in love with me.
I never believed she could wait this long even as hard as the journey gets.

Thinking about all I'm making her go through pains me.

Just 3 more years and I would finally be able to make things right again.

I owe her my life.

I think about her a lot.
With each day that passes, I imagined what she might be doing.

Most times, my mind strays. I imagine her finding solace in the arms of another man.

But I let those demeaning thoughts leave my head.

She wouldn't do that.

But what if she does?
I tried to believe in her as much as she did in me, but then it was hard to.

"Guy, I'm tired already" kelvin said as he approached me.

I looked up to him as my eyes narrowed due to the sun rays entering them.

"Shebi they said if we behave well and serve our punishment, we might be released before our term is over" he said frustration on his face as he sat beside me on the ground.

"Is that why you want to kill yourself?, don't take these people's words for it. Let's just hope the governor's pardon falls on us this year" I sighed.

He raised his two hands towards the sky in hope and brought them back down.

I looked at him and for the first time, I noticed the wrinkles that were now out on his face.

I knew when kelvin came prison, 8 years back.
He was accused of murder.
Though he claimed innocent, he was convicted and given 25 years term.

In jail, murder inmates go through a lot of torture before they are finally welcomed in and regarded as one of us.

Kelvin's case wasn't any different.
At a point, I felt he was going to die out of pains, but he scaled through the beatings and torture from fellow inmates.

I was beaten too, but I didn't suffer as much as he did.

egardless, he still claims he is innocent and I believe him.

Looking at those wrinkles on his face now, I wondered if mine were coming out as well.

Has Amara seen them and not commented yet?

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