Chapter 20

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"So where are we going?"

"Dinner." Troy replied.

Rolling my eyes, I made a duh face. "Yeah, where is dinner?"

"At a place."

"Troy." I smacked his arm.

"Ow, he rubbed his hurt arm. "No hitting the driver."

"Troy." I whined. "Where are we going?"

"You look beatiful Sienna."

My face started heating up. "Wh-why all of a sudden? You told me that already."

He looked at me and grinned, revealing a cute, tiny dimple. How come I never noticed that before?

"Because you don't hear it enough."

"Huh?" I wrinkled my nose in confusion.

"You're beautiful Sienna." His hand found mine, interlocking our fingers together. "I want to be the guy who tells you that everyday."

I bet my face looked like a tomato at this point. I looked away, trying to cool myself down. I was very aware of the way Troy's thumb rubbed the back of my hand. He had effectively shut me up. I wasn't asking questions anymore. Maybe that was his plan all along. I snuck a peak at him. He had a content smile on his face.


"We're here." Troy said, as he turned the engine off.

"Where is here?" I looked out the window into the dark. "You're not planning to kill me are you? Is this the plan? Drag a pretty girl like me to the middle of nowhere, then kill her." I paused, then thought of something. "You're not like that serial killer from Arrow are you? The creep who goes after girls with perfect skin and then leaves them looking like porcelain dolls; dead." I let my mouth hang open in mock realization.

"Shut up Sienna." He said simply. He got out of the car, walking over to my side. He opened the door for me and smiled.

Grinning, I cautiously stepped out. The ground was slightly sandy. It was still dark, barely visible.

"Now will you tell me where we are?"

"Patience." Troy whispered in my ear. He was standing right behind me. One of his hands gripped my waist, the other on my shoulder. His hands slowly moved towards my face with a blindfold. He covered my eyes and said, "Now follow me."

"Okay." I gave in reluctantly. Hands gripping his arm, I walked with him. As we walked, my shoes began to sink into the ground. We were walking on sand.

Eventually, I knew where we were. The smell of salt in the air was unmistakable. Even if you couldn't guess by that, the sound of the waves crashing into the rocks could be heard. We were at a beach.

Troy stopped walking, causing me to stop. "We're here." He turned me around gently, as if I might break any second. Moving his hands to the back of my head, he undid the blindfold and let it drop.

I gasped at the sight in front of me. There was a table adorned with food, flowers and candles. It was situated right next to the sea. Two chairs were sat, facing each other. There was a pathway of candles leading from the table to us.

I turned to Troy, speechless. I couldn't believe he did all this for me. "You did all this?"


"Why?" I furrowed my brows. "You don't even know me very well."

"I know you enough. I know that you are a beautiful, smart, strong girl. That's all I need to know." He brushed a stray strand of hair out of my face. His hand reached mine and intertwined our fingers. "Come on." He tugged me gently.

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