Chapter 22

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I let my head rest on the car window, watching as the outside world rushed past. I was currently seated in Luke's car. After arguing a little while, we had decided to head to the nearest supermarket. Thus, I was where I was.

"So." Luke stated.

I glanced at him, mimicking him. "So."

"Do you want to explain why you rode me?"

"You were asking for it."

"No I wasn't." He denied. "Not in that way at least." His lips curved up into his signature smirk.

"Ew, you're disgusting." I wrinkled my nose at his insinuation.


Rolling my eyes, I focused on the window again.

"So you're confused by my chocolate brown eyes hmm?"

Why couldn't he just shut up? I voiced my opinion. "I think you should shut up."

"Why? I have freedom of speech."

"Every time we talk something bad happens." I snapped at him.

He remained silent for a while. "Not every time."

"Well, mostly."

Luke let out a sigh. He took his hand off the steering wheel and rubbed his eyes. "Sienna, I know I've made a lot of mistakes. You weren't one of them. But I lost you. I'm trying so hard to get you back, but you don't seem to feel the same way." He looked at me sincerely. "So tell me now. What exactly do you want."

I stared straight ahead, refusing to meet Luke's eyes.

"Sienna." He tried again. "What do you want?"

"I don't know." I whispered, daring to lift my eyes to his.

Surprised at what I saw, I felt my walls crumble. Luke was a picture of a broken man. His eyebrows were furrowed together in frustration. His eyes, his chocolaty brown eyes were dark with sorrow. I felt so giulty for making him feel this way.

"How can you not know?" He finally managed to say; his voice raspy.

"I..." I trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

Luke blew air out of his nose and focused his attention on the road. "It's very simple Sienna. Me or that blond kid."

"His name is Troy." I defended.

"I really don't care."

"Luke." I warned.

"If you pick Blondie, I promise to leave you alone, only relating to you as a teacher."

I bit my lip. Did I want that? Truthfully, no. I liked our moments together. Except when he confused me, that is.

"I don't know what I want Luke."

"You think about it." He responded after a while.


I browsed through the aisles, looking for the things my mum had ordered me to get. I was nearly done. I came across the disinfecting wipes. There were two brands of the same thing. Staring hard, I tried to figure out which would be better.

"Get the Clorox." Luke whispered in my ear, his hot breath tickling my ear, making goosebumps to rise up.

Shocked by his sudden presence, I jumped. Bumping into into him in the process. "Woah, personal space." I exclaimed, jumping away from him, towards a random pillar.

Luke cocked an eyebrow at my jumpiness. "Do I make you nervous Sienna?" He took a step closer, making me take a step away from him.

"N-No." I stuttered.

"Really?" He questioned, taking a another step towards me.

In response, I took another step away from him. My back hit the pillar, trapping me.

Luke smirked at me, realizing I was trapped. He moved in closer, eliminating any space between us.

My breath caught in my throat at our closeness. "Luke, what are you doing?"

"Nothing," he whispered leaning in.

I twisted my neck, looking to see if anybody was nearby. Seeing no one, I tried to slip away, but he put his arms on either side of me, effectively blocking any escape route I had. "Luke stop." I whispered, keeping my head low, avoiding his eyes.

His hand pushed my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eyes. Once I did, there was no going back. I could gaze into his perfect brown eyes all day. My eyes flicked down to his soft looking, slightly chapped lips. How I missed kissing Luke. I missed the sparks he used to send through my body whenever we kissed. I looked up at his eyes again. Wait, what was I thinking? I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

Luke's lips lifted in a self satisfied smirk. He knew the effect he was having on me. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed, attempting to create some space between us. "Personal space, Luke."

"You don't like me in your space?" He feigned hurt.

"No." I pushed again, but it was no use.

He caught my hands, preventing me from attempting to push him away. "Don't." With his other hand, he tilted my chin up. I lost myself in his eyes once more. My heart was beating so fast, I was sure it would jump out of my chest any second.

Luke's face came closer to mine. Only inches between our lips. I could easily close the gap. Luke smiled softly as he said, "Seriously though, don't waste your time on Lysol. Go for Clorox."

He moved away from me, putting a lot of the required space between us. I let out the breath I didn't realize I had been holding. I was confused, wondering if there was a double meaning behind his fascination with Clorox.

"What's wrong Sienna?" Luke watched me, pretending to be concerned. "You look flustered." He said in mock confusion.

"Shut up." I demanded, venomously, my face hot.


Luke pulled into my apartment complex, parking the car far from my flat. Hence, my parents wouldn't see him and me together. Luke got the shopping bags from the boot of his car and handed them to me.

"Thank you." I sent him a bright smile.

"No problem." He responded, shutting the lid of the boot.

"And um," I hesitated, awkwardly scratching my head. "I'm uh, sorry for jumping on you earlier today."

Luke let out a small laugh. "That's alright, Monty. You were just being you." He winked at me.

A light blush dusted my face. "Ahaha, Sorry about getting you kicked out of the supermarket as well."

Chuckling, Luke shook his head. "What is this? A sorry fest?" His eyes twinkled at me. "You got yourself kicked out as well, so we're even."

Laughing a little, I walked backwards away from him. "Goodbye Luke."

He waved at me. "I'll see you in class." He walked around, to the driver's side. He opened the car door, moving to get in.

I stood nearby, waiting to see him off. I lifted my hand to block the sun from shining in my eyes. I squinted at him, seeing him hesitate.

He looked up at me, his face serious. "Sienna, remember what I told you. Think about it" With that, he got in his car and drove off, leaving me standing there, confused about everything.

What was I going to do?

*** Luke is an ass. Don't y'all think? ***

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