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Two years later.

"Hey," Caleb greeted. He took a seat at the table outside the cafe. It was a nice day outside. The weather was pleasant- a light wind and some sun. The day was beginning to end.

The smell of the baked goods drifted out of the cafe. Caleb crossed one leg over the other and looked over at the person occupying the seat across him. The man was emitting a dark aura. He was dressed in black, sunglasses hiding his eyes.

The man looked up from the book he was reading. He took off the sunglasses and made contact with Caleb's eyes. His chocolate brown eyes held something resembling determined rebellion. "What do you want?"

Caleb sighed loudly. He lifted a hand, gaining the attention of a waitress. "Luke, don't be like this."

"Can I get you anything sir?" The waitress asked, a smile on her face. The young men in front of her were good looking.

"Yes, I'll have some water, with ice." Caleb said, leaning back he looked at Luke once more.

The young girl nodded and turned to face Luke. "What about you sir?" She smiled flirtatiously.

A muscle ticked in his jaw as Luke lifted his cold eyes to the girl's playful eyes. "I'm fine."

The smile on her face dropped a little. She nodded timidly and backed away.

"Dude, was that necessary?" Caleb asked, smirking a little.

"She was annoying." Luke sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Apart from that, what do you want? Why did you call me here?"

Caleb smiled, "straight to business huh?"

Luke simply glared at his friend.

"Um, a bunch of us are going on a two-day trip to the lake. We even rented out a house and everything."

"Your point?" Luke's face was blank.

"My point is that you should come with us. You need to get out more often. You can't be cooped up in that room 24/7. You even quit your job, Luke." Caleb said, exasperated.

"I'm not cooped up 24/7," Luke mumbled. "I'm out now aren't I?"

"Only because I asked you."

Luke remained silent, refusing to meet Caleb's eyes.

"Listen, it's time for you to move on." Caleb said calmly. He knew Luke wasn't going to like what he said. "You can't do this to yourself. Think of what she would say if she knew. Even Ash, her brother, is moving on."

"That's because he didn't see it happen. He wasn't there when the bullet hit her." Luke lowered his head, cradling it in his arms. "It wasn't his fault," he whispered.

Caleb sighed, "it wasn't your fault either Luke. Nor was it Troy's."

Luke looked up at the mention of Troy, pain evident in his eyes. "How is Troy?"

Caleb nodded, "according to Gem, he's managing. He's left his father's house and went to go live in Bhutan. He seems to be enjoying the quiet life there." He locked eyes with Luke. "He blames himself as well."

Luke squeezed his eyes shut. "How's Gem?"

"Apart from being worried about Troy, she's doing okay. She's having a tough time in med school." Caleb scoffed. A proud smile graced his face. "After that incident, she wanted to become a doctor. So she could help people."

Luke smiled, "that's nice.." He trailed off. He bit his lips before looking at Caleb once more. "Are Ash and my cousin doing okay?"

Caleb laughed. "How could you not know that? Don't you see them a lot?"

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