Chapter 5

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After Luke had left, it took me a while to find sleep. Different thoughts about my past and my brother haunted me. Finally, after hours of tossing around in bed, I finally found peace. Or so I thought.

I struggled against the grip of the two beefy men holding onto me. They weren't actually men though, just teenage boys who happened to work out a lot. I kicked one of the guys' shin with all my strength. Thankfully, he reacted and loosened his grip on my arm. As he did that, I felt the blood rush back into my arm. Before I could even attempt escape, he caught my arm once again and squeezed harder. I yelped in pain.

Suddenly, I was released. Dropping down to my knees, my palms came into contact with the hard ground. "Ugh." I grunted as the pain shot up my arms. I opened my eyes and looked at the pair of nike shoes that had appeared in front of me. Feeling the anger boil up in me, I spat on it.

"Feisty, aren't we?" A malicious voice spoke.

I slowly brought my head up to look into his merciless eyes. Jon grinned down at me. His black, bottomless eyes took in my position before him. "I see you've returned Sienna." He bent down to my position and roughly pulled my face up so that I was forced to look him in the eye. He leaned in closer and smirked. "This time, I won't make the mistake of letting you go."

I took the opportunity of our closeness to spit on his face.

He reacted immediately. Like a snake being hit, he recoiled and hissed at me. "Your life is in my hands, dear girl. You better not abuse it."

"I don't give a shit Jon. You put Caesar, my best friend, in the hospital. He's in a frigging coma thanks to you and your cronies. How dare you do that to him? To me? After all we've been through."

"You, darling, made the mistake of leaving Caesar on his own. You knew I disliked him." He took out a pack of gum and slid a stick out. He unwrapped it slowly and shoved it in his mouth.

"No Jon. The only mistake I ever made was to date you." I said venomously.

Anger flashed in Jon's eyes, as my words reached his ears. "I gave you the best months of your life."

"No, you gave me the worst. I should have listened to Caesar and Ash. I shouldn't have trusted you." I spoke loudly with regret evident in my voice.

"You know what Sienna? I now finally understand why Luke left you." His words cut deep. They penetrated my heart, causing a huge dam of raw emotion to break through- mostly hate and anger. Unable to control myself any longer, I let out a battle cry and charged at my ex. I don't know what I had ever seen in him.

For a moment, his face was a picture of shock. He quickly rearranged his features and smirked at me knowingly. I knew I was falling into an even deeper pit by fighting him. But I couldn't help myself. I had to teach this cocky ass a lesson. I reached him and threw a punch at his face. He, being the expert that he was, ducked. Getting more frustrated I started punching wildly, hoping to reach my mark. I eventually did end up punching him in the jaw. Before I could retract my hand, he grabbed it and twisted my arm behind my back. His lips close to my ear, he whispered, "You can never beat me, babe. I will always be superior."

Just then, I could see one of the two beefy guys fall down. I looked up to see my brother kicking the other in the balls. A smile crept onto my face as I realized I had backup. Feeling encouraged, I spun out of Jon's grip. I felt Ash coming up next to me. I looked over at him and shot him a quick smile. He squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.

"Ash, what are you doing here?" Jon growled.

"I'm here to help my sister kick your ass. What else?" Ash smiled smugly. "Oh and by the way, the cops are on their way here." With that said, we fought together side-by-side. It was easier without Jon's two minions. But even alone, Jon was still a formidable opponent.

All of a sudden, out of the blue, a guy with jet black hair and grey eyes popped out from behind Jon. His face was decorated with a pale ugly scar that ran across his cheek. He smiled menacingly at me and pulled out a gun. I froze, rooted to the ground. I found that all I could do was stare at the gun. In all the fights I had ever been in, I was never faced with a gun.

"Release the trigger Jizva." Jon called out from behind. "It's time to take out the trash."

Jizva smiled and obeyed Jon. From that point on, time slowed down and everything happened in slow motion. The bullet shot out from the barrel of the gun. Before it could reach me, someone jumped out in front of me. It was Ash. The bullet hit him instead of me and he fell to the ground. I stared at my brother lying by my feet and let out a scream that pierced through the night.

Just then, the sound of sirens wailed. Jon's face paled. He backed away from us and ran in the opposite direction. Jizva was gone as well. I dropped to my knees and crawled towards Ash. All of a sudden, lighting flashed, and the thunder exploded. The rain came down in sheets. I scooted to my brother's head and lifted it onto my lap. "Ash," I shook him gently, "Ash." My voice got increasingly louder.

Before I could scream again, he coughed. I looked down at him, his head on my lap. His breathing was getting shallower and shallower by the minute. "Sienna," Ash spoke feebly. His eyes fluttered open as his hand searched for mine. I put my hand in his and squeezed it. With my other hand, I brushed away some blond hair from his face. I leaned closer to him and whispered, "Please don't die Ash. What am I going to do without you? Hang on, an ambulance is nearly here."

"Sienna, listen to me." He spoke somewhat sternly. "I need you to promise me something."

"What? Anything." My tears kept falling. It slipped into my mouth, enabling me to taste its saltiness.

"Promise me," He paused and took a breath, "Promise me that you'll stop fighting."

I nodded my head in agreement. "Ok, I will. But you have to live. You have to see me keep that promise."

Ash smiled up at me. His hand slowly came up and wiped away the fresh tear that was running down my cheek. "Also, promise me that you'll forget what Luke did and move on from him. Become who you once were ." He took a deep breath, "I-I know you haven't been ha-happy for a long time." He rasped.

My face paled slightly. "Ash, you know I can't forget. Not after what he did to me."

"Sienna, you don't know the reason Luke had for leaving. You have no right to judge him. Promise me that you'll let it go." He coughed harder.

I contemplated the idea. Ash had a point, as much as I hated to admit it. "Okay, fine. I'll try to forget him. But only if you promise not to leave me."

"I'll never leave you Sienna. I'll always be here for you." He gestured for me to bring my face closer. He kissed me on my forehead before whispering, "I love you Sienna, my baby sister."

Just like that, life had left the man who was once so full of it. His eyes stared up at the sky. I closed them and crashed my head onto his chest. "Ash." I screamed. "Please," I sobbed into his already wet shirt, "Please don't leave me."

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