Chapter 29

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I had sent Troy a message saying I couldn't make it to the dojo. With that out of the way, I tried to figure out how to tell Troy. I didn't know what to say. Should I tell him about Luke? Or should I just break things off with him? I groaned and fell onto my couch. I glanced at the door, wondering when Caleb would get here.

I had called him as soon as I got home. I didn't even need to explain anything, he could tell I was upset and promised to be here in 30 minutes. After that, I had a five minute shower to wash off the day. But the memory of Luke's lips on mine, his hands on me, never left. No matter how hard I scrubbed.

I changed into my brother's hoodie and was wearing Luke's t-shirt under. I paired these off with ripped shorts. I never did return Luke's t-shirt. Then again, he didn't want it back. The hoodie was my brother's favourite item of clothing. He used to wear it all the time. It was black and had random splotches of paint on it. My brother was a painter. He used to do it all the time before he left for college. He went to the Police Academy to become a cop.

Just then, the door bell rang, indicating Caleb's arrival. I walked to the door and swung it open. Caleb was standing there with two tubs of chocolate ice cream,

He smiled comfortingly at me. "I brought comfort food!"

I grinned widely and moved out of the way. Caleb walked in and headed to the kitchen to get spoons. I made my way to the couch and plopped onto it.

Caleb walked back in with the spoons and the tubs of ice cream. "Here you go." He handed me a spoon and sat next to me. He turned to face me, opening his tub and digging his spoon in. "So, tell me."

I did the same as him and then proceeded to tell him everything. Leaving not one detail out.


"So Luke kissed you in front of the school building? And Gem saw you?"

"Yup." I nodded my head and shoved another spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

"Oh God, he's so stupid." Caleb face palmed himself.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that was a stupid move! Why would he kiss you in front of school? Doesn't he realise he's a teacher?"

I shrugged. "I dunno, It just happened."

"So how was Gem's reaction?"

"She was pretty mad at first." I fidgeted, playing with the hem of the hoodie. "But in the end she said she's not judging me. She just wants me to tell Troy the truth."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

I looked up at him, saddened. "I'm scared. I don't want to lose him."

Caleb breathed out and looked at me sympathetically. "I know Sienna, I know. But you have to do it."

I nodded and stood up, placing my tub of ice cream on the coffee table. "I can do this." I fixed a determined expression on my face.

Caleb stood up as well. "There we go, that's the way."

I looked at him hopefully and bit down on my lip. "But first, I think I need a hug."

Caleb grinned at me, opening his arms wide. "C'mere."

I grinned and walked into his arms.


I chewed on my bottom lip as I nervously made my way into Starbucks. I looked around for Troy's blond head and spotted him at the corner table in the back of the room. I smiled and made my way over to him.

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