Chapter 26

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Yawning, I sat up, stretching my arms above my head. My mouth tasted terrible; of dry saliva and tears. Screwing my nose up, I looked around me. My brows furrowed together in confusion. I felt as if something was missing. My eyes widened as the events of last night came rushing back. Where was Caleb? I rushed to get off my bed. Not noticing my legs tangled in the sheets, I ended up falling onto the carpeted floor.

"Ow." I exclaimed as the back of my head hit the floor. I propped myself up on my elbows and sighed. I was so stupid sometimes.

When I finally got my ass off the floor, I made my way into the kitchen. My suspicions were right. Caleb was still here. Only, not as I expected. His face was on the kitchen counter. His eyes were closed; tiny snores emitting from him. I moved closer and noticed the drool dripping from his open mouth.

Suppressing a laugh, I moved close to his ear. I grabbed a random piece of paper, twirling it until it resembled a thin stick. I quickly stuck it in Caleb's ear and brought it out. It would give him a ticklish sensation.

Caleb's nose twitched. Frowning, I raised my hand to try again. This time it worked. He raised his hand to his ear and itched it.

Letting out a small giggle, I stepped away from him. I decided to let him sleep a little longer. I turned and headed back to my room to get ready for school.

Soon, I had taken a shower, brushed that nasty taste out of my mouth and slipped into my uniform. I looked at myself in the mirror, loosening my tie. Quickly, I threw my hair into a French braid. Now all I needed to do was eat and kick Caleb out.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbed two pans and began to smash them together. "Caleb." I yelled. "Wake up."

He jerked up so quickly, he ended up falling off the stool. I put the pans aside and held my stomach, laughing. I laughed so much, there were tears coming out of my eyes.

"Shut up." Caleb mumbled from the floor. Obviously, he was still in La La land.

"Caleb, get your ass up and wipe your drool off my kitchen counter." I exclaimed, heading to the cupboard to get my box of Cheerios out. I poured the cereal into a bowl I found on the counter. I walked towards the fridge, bringing out a carton of milk. Heading back to my cereal, I poured the milk into the bowl and mixed it all with a spoon.

Grumbling, Caleb scratched his head as he made his way over to me. I cocked my eyebrow at him, shoving a spoon of Cheerios into my mouth. "What?" I asked, my mouth full.

He pulled the spoon out of my grasp, before he put a spoonful of my cereal into his mouth. He smirked at my shocked face. "That's for waking me up like that." He helped himself to more of my breakfast.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness. "I don't care Caleb." I grabbed my spoon, quickly finishing what was left of my cereal.

Walking out into the living room, I picked my bag up, placing it on my shoulder. "So, can you give me a ride?" I asked Caleb.

Sighing, he ran his hand through his dark black hair. "Sure, I guess so." He went over to the couch and picked up his jacket. He put it in on and gestured towards the door. "Let's go?" He asked, yawning.



"So what are you gonna do about Troy and Luke?" Caleb asked, hands gripping the steering wheel.

I changed the station in the radio, looking for a song I liked. Finally, I stopped when The 1975 were playing. Sighing, I leaned back in my seat. "I don't know Caleb."

"You have to know." He kept his eyes straight ahead. "If you want Troy, forget about Luke. If you want Luke, drop Troy."

"But I can't." I groaned. "Don't you get that? I want Troy because he's so sweet and nice. He doesn't treat me like my past boyfriends. But then again, when Luke and I were going out, he was so sweet it rotted my teeth."

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