Chapter 8

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I stood outside, hands gripping the railing, trying to get a hold of myself. Taking a deep breath, I exhaled slowly, in an attempt to calm myself. I repeated the process a couple of times.

Just then, the click clack of heels on the wooden porch reached my ears. I turned slightly to see who it was. Gem smiled at me and came up to stand beside me.

"Hi Sienna, you okay?" She looked at me worriedly.

I grimaced, "I'm fine, just getting some fresh air."

"Hmm, you know Troy wanted to come out here?" She smirked and looked for my reaction. "I had to push him onto the couch and forcibly tell him to stay."

Smiling and blushing at her words I said, "Why didn't you let him come then?"

She grinned playfully at me. "I wanted to tease him a little." Her face grew serious. "But I also wanted to make sure you were fully alright."

I smiled at her, "Thanks for your concern Gem, but I'm fine."

She nodded before speaking, "So do you mind telling me what the hell just happened back there? Why did you slap Jon and dump his drinks all over him?"

I forced a smile onto my face, "I can't tell you Gem." I whispered. Seeing the hurt look on her face I continued, "It's kinda personal right now, but I will eventually tell you. I'll just let you know that I can't stand Jon. Every time I see him, it makes my skin crawl and I get so disgusted."

"Wow. He must have really hurt you for you to hate him that much."

"Yeah he did, I used to date him. Biggest mistake of my life." I turned to face Gem. "Don't ever get involved with him. He's bad news."

Gem grinned at me. "You got it boss."

Not saying anything for a while, we let the silence surround us. It was a good, peaceful kind of silence.

Gem broke it by saying, "You okay to head back inside?" She rubbed her arms, "It's kinda chilly out here."

Taking a deep breath, I turned to face Gem. I smiled at her, "I think I want to stay out here a little while longer. You go on ahead."

"You sure?"


"Okay, I'll see you later then." She waved at me and walked back to the party.

Suddenly remembering that I had brought a couple of drinks with me, I popped open a can and began to numb myself.

After a while, I felt a presence behind me. Acting on reflex, I swiveled on my heel, fists up and ready for some action. "Jon, what are doing here?" I asked, beginning to tense up. I dropped my hands to my side, figuring that I wouldn't need to punch him just yet.

He grinned slyly, "Just checking if you're alright."

I scoffed. "Since when do you care? You're the one who tried to kill me."

"Oh, darling. Don't take that to heart. It was just a little joke."

I looked at him incredulously. "A joke? Well because of your little joke," I said, "My brother is dead. And you can't change that." Feeling myself start to tear up, I looked away and blinked rapidly. I couldn't afford to show Jon how vulnerable I really was.

"Oh Sienna, babe." Jon placed his hand on mine, coming closer to me. "I'm sorry you feel that way."

Fully on alert now, I swiftly turned my head towards him and eyed him suspiciously. "What are you doing? Get your hand off me." I shook his hand off of mine.

He was now in front of me, removing any chances I had of escaping him. "I don't think you should be so rash to push me away." His voice was low and had a dangerous tone to it. I was starting to get slightly scared of the direction in which the situation was headed.

Placing my hands on his chest, I pushed hard. It worked and he moved back a bit. "Stop it Jon. You don't want to do this."

"I think I do." He got close again. "I may have some information," He hesitated as he picked up a lock of my hair between his fingers, "That I know you're probably dying to know."

"What are you talking about?" I was starting to get a little interested in what he was saying.

He leaned in closer than he already was and whispered in my ear, "I know," He paused to lick his lips, "I know why Luke left you."

At his words, I froze. He took my lack of response as a sign to continue. "But if you want the information, you're gonna have to give me something in return." He eyed me suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows.

"You're disgusting." I spat. Getting worked up, I pushed him away from me.

"Listen sweetheart, if you want the info, you're gonna have to pay up." He slurred. It was now I realized just how drunk he was.

"You're drunk Jon. Go home. I would never even consider that an option."

"Oh really? But don't you want to find out why your precious Luke left you?"

I hesitated. I really wanted to know, but not at his price. Turning on Jon, I glared at him. "No, this is what's going to happen. You're gonna tell me why Luke left me, just like that. No strings attached. And then I'm going to acknowledge your existence and walk away."

"Oh honey." He purred. "You're so hot when you try to take charge." He came up to me and grabbed my wrists roughly. He pushed me against the wall behind and pressed my wrists to it, effectively trapping me. "Although you seem to forget who you're talking to." As he spoke, he leaned in closer to my face. His breath stunk of alcohol.

Struggling in his grasp, I tried to kick him. "You owe me Jon. You killed my brother." I tried in vain to break free from his grasp. He pressed his body against mine.

"I owe you nothing." He hissed. "Looks like I'll just have to take what I want then." He leaned in close, his voice barely audible, "By force."

"Jon, Jon, get off me. Get away from me." I was frightened at this point. I tried to scream but he prevented me. He slammed his lips on mine, silencing me. His lips were rough and moved desperately on mine.

Utterly disgusted, I struggled and attempted to kick him hard. Feeling violated, my eyes burned with tears. I was helpless. Jon was too strong for me. As much as I hated to admit that.

He removed his lips from mine and frowned at me. "C'mon Sienna, why aren't you responding? We used to do this before. Remember darling?"

"Let me go." I spat at him. At this point I was crying tears of frustration.

He smiled maliciously, moving to continue to do what he had been doing.

"Hey Jon, where are you man?" The voice of a drunk Dave rang out. I sighed in relief when I saw a perplexed look cross Jon's face. He moved away from me, freeing me. He saw my relieved face and smirked, "Well, it was nice doing this again Sienna. But I have to go, people miss me." He winked and blew me a kiss.

I shuddered in disgust as he walked away. What had just happened? Before Jon had disappeared entirely from my view, I called out to him. "Jon."

Hearing his name, he stopped and slowly turned, "What?"

I took a deep breath, "You got what you want, so tell me why Luke left."

A smirk slipped onto his face. "I hate to break it to you Sienna, but not everyone is as honest as you think."

"What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is that I have absolutely no idea why Luke left you." With that said, Jon turned and walked back to the party.

Not wanting to spend another moment at the party, I got off the porch. I walked around the mansion, getting to the front and walked down the path that lead to the sidewalk. I looked back once, worried about Gem. She was a big girl. I'm sure she could take care of herself. Even if she couldn't, Troy was there. I turned ahead and walked away from the party. Coming here had been one of the biggest mistakes I had ever made. And I had made a lot of mistakes.

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