Not Letting Her Die Tonight

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brief mention of suicide. the opinions are not what I think it just our character processing, also if you are struggling with thoughts of ending you life please feel free to talk to someone or call you local suicide help line.

The air felt humid due to the water surrounding us and this forest's unique climate. Due to the humidity, the strong stench of blood and sweat filled the air.

The sounds of men falling to the floor after one of my arrows hit them ran through the air

My mind was set on defending my territory even if it results in my death, I knew that every battle I stepped into could result in death, however, it filled my mind a bit more knowing I was surrounded by hundreds of men.

even though my life was at the forefront of my mind I couldn't help but think about the medic, the medic who just threw her body off a cliff 


what was she thinking?

She was running like she was on a mission, looking for something important just to kill herself 

Throwing her body off a cliff

I knew something was off about her

I just didn't think that she gave up on life itself. That was for the silly weak-minded men and I honestly expected more. I don't know why I kept thinking about it but it just bothered me.

I pulled my though from her and back to the battle at hand

But it seemed that the more men I killed the more would show up

I then decided it was time to bring the fire 

And with that my arrows became flaming I sent of massed of fire burning the men around me

My body sensed a huge mass of water coming up the mountain side but I had no time to investigate, it all happened so quickly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure shoot up through the sky

With such grace, it floated through the air causing an almost unbelievable thud as her body hit the ground.

I looked closely and realized that it wasn't just a random figure

he body glowed as her silver hair now wet rested on her back seeming more unreal when wet. in her hands she was holding a katana, but it seemed like it was made out of ice.

I started moving towards her without even thinking forgetting I was  fighting the men around me

But how could she survive that fall?

She stuck her katana into the ground using the force to push her own body into the air allowing her knee to collide with a man running towards her.

once she landed she seemed blinded by the battle, I felt the water underneath my feel start rushing towards her I quickly pushed my feet further into the mud to prevent myself from being pulled away and I am glad that I did.

She then raised her hand on sent hundred of the cliff she jumped off moments ago

But they had absolutely no chance of surviving

that was when I realized why she stood out to me. why huge bodies of water followed her wherever she went. she had the gift of water 

Someone with the gift of water has been seen since the extinction of their dynasty

She killed men with such grace almost as if she was dancing I couldn't break my eyes away from her

Tears flowed from her eyes as she fought

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