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I watched in horror as kent was thrown towards the other side of the arena, his body weak

I could hear her voice echo throughout the arena as she called after him


She was so focused on that soldier that she didn't even notice the warrior standing right beside her.

I desperately tried to pry my mouth open to make a sound, any sound to let her know of the danger behind her.

Despite my efforts, I was forced to watch as he wrapped his hand around her arm lifting her into the air

"Is this who you brought me here to fight?" he roared

" you should've sent one of the queen's ladies to deal with her" he snickered

He threw lunas body onto the floor leaving her struggling to catch her breath

" This should humble her" the king laughed allowing all his best men to giggle around her

I've sat in this booth many times before

I've watched as this warrior has fought many battles and I have never once batted an eye

Only criminals were allowed to fight and the results of the fight were nothing but a harsh result of their crimes.

That's what they told us.

Only men who betrayed this kingdom, men who didn't care for those around them entered this arena. But I watched as luna tried to crawl to her feet, her injuries slowly keeping her in place.

He took a lap around the arena getting the audience more excited right before he completes his first kill

I lifted my chin, allowing me to look directly at Luna's struggling body.

For the first time, I saw her look helpless

So often I watched as she fought and defended herself but she has never once asked for help.

But today she struggled

Today she looked helpless

Her head turned and suddenly her eyes locked with mine

The world fell silent

It was just her and I

"I want to live" it was almost as if I could hear her voice in my head

She was screaming

She was realizing something for the first time in her life

She wanted to live.

" then fight " I found myself whispering into the air

"What did you say prince kai" the king and all his man had turned towards me

I refused to speak once more

Instead, I looked back down to the arena and the men did the same thing

Shocked to see the defeated girl back up on her feet again

"Hey! Pig! Why did you run away? I thought we were fighting to the death"

I nearly choked at her choice of words

The audience fell quiet waiting for the great warrior's response

He yells some profanities and threats at luna. My heart was practically beating in my ears and I couldn't understand what he was saying

My stomach began to turn on itself in nervous anticipation about what will happen next

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