Prison Pt.2

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"Kent what happened to you?"

My hand rested on his chest. The slow and steady lul of his breath pulled me out of my panicked state.

I looked at his face. Once filled with so much life and joy now tired angry and hurt.

Kent kept his gaze trained to the floor.

" kent" my voice came out in a whisper.

"Look at me" his dark blue eyes met mine. In an instant tear-filled both of our eyes.

" luna I was searching for you! I ran through the crowd and they had Rosie. I ran towards her but they made their way up the mountain towards the waterfall. The next thing I know there's a literal flood of water crashing down the mountainside."

I held in my gasp. It was me who caused that.

"I woke up hours later, captured by the light kingdom's royal soldiers. They had me tied up and believed I was a rebel soldier. they asked me about you and if I was away from your water powers."

He took a deep breath

" I told them the truth. I knew nothing of them"

He then started to chuckle

" They thought they could beat the truth out of me"

He laughed a deep hearty laugh, not his usual boyish laugh.

Then his face became serious.

" they believe you and I are rebels trying to get close to the king that's why we are here"

"what "I whispered

"I know I'm not but I cannot say the same about you Luna."

" Kent what are you saying." I pulled my hand off his face and stepped back

" I have known you for years. I thought we were friends but you hid that you are a powerful Water Witch!"

He then stood up and marched toward me

"I simple witch harlot who I have heard is already sleeping with the prince like you have been with all of the soldiers. Maybe the village was right. Maybe your sister was right"

All of a sudden

My hand came crashing down on his cheekbone. His face flew to the other side.

When he recovered and looked back at me my face had already been drenched in tears

" You are the only person in the world who knows me. And I can same the same about you. You are scared and hurt but what you are saying is hurting me."

"I love you and this is why I kept my secret. I had to protect those who I loved. I wish I could be angrier but I am just happy to see that you are alive."

Kent kept his gaze trained to the floor

" I'm scared too," he said

I noticed he watched my hands shake a habit I always have when I'm scared.

It reminded me of years ago when we first met

It was my first day as the official medic. My uncle was the only one who had ever spoken to me since my sister and I first came to the village.

The people had always been cold. My appearance just seemed to push them to a new extreme, I was doing runs for the medic who worked there at the time.

His name was Dr. John. he had hated me from the moment my uncle introduced us.

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