Why Does He Care?

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Why do I care

Why do I care

She's a simple village girl yet hear she is occupying too much space in my head

I mean she's crazy

She dares ignored the king

Stole the royal enchanters pants and then beat the crap out of him the next day

Yet I found myself convincing my father to let her join our ranks rather than executing her for her stupid behavior

"Who is this girl" his voice filled the large room

"She a medic from one of the smaller army camps" I answered

"Why did you bring her here"

"Because she showed great skill and courage on the field"

'Why should I spear her life while she's here? '

I remained silent I had no answer 

"Why is she special to you"

"She isn't" I answered too quickly. She has no meaning in my life. I quickly reassured myself, but it felt like I was desperately trying to convince myself. besides if I mention her power who knows what the king will do with her right now

"I mean she has a connection to the dragon and I feel its best we keep her here so we can measure all its abilities"

"One more slip and ill kill her myself" 

his words echoed through my head for the rest of the day. Now here I set in my office trying to get some work done.

I went over reports from the general around our territories. 

Our soldier is coming in completely unprepared

There are also not enough trainers to make sure our soldiers receive the best training possible

I quickly wrote a letter to each general to send me 3 of their best soldiers to the castle so I can give them the training myself. They can return to their camps and help prepare the new soldiers better

As I wrote my mind wandered to earlier today

After the king spoke with me I headed up to my bedroom to wake Luna up and let her know never to disrespect the royal crown again

I had to show my authority

Let her know why they call me the "Bloody Prince"

"I want to know why you are so special to the prince" I heard Haikems voice whisper from inside the room

He must have been playing around with her to get some love

He is known around the castle for seducing new men and women just to prove that he could attract anyone

He has never failed

I peeped inside and watched him slowly kiss her hand

I felt a pinch of jealousy, but I choose to ignore

Maybe watching her succumb to his charms will get rid of my gentle spot for her

He whispered something in her ear and reached down touching her waist

This was faster than I expected

She was dazed-looking into his eyes

But why wouldn't she be

She is a woman and he's a charming man

But then she did the most unexpected thing

I didn't even see her lift her hand but she swung her fist forward smashing it against his head

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