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The cool grass beneath my feet kept me grounded. I dreamed of soaring with parrots above me or floating around like the many clouds, as a breeze blew past me the forest began to gently stir awake. The sounds of the lemurs jumping from tree to tree while the frogs down below shifted through the leaves that have fallen to the ground. The only disturbance in this peace was the sound of my footsteps trailing through the forest floor.

My vision was filled with shades of green and bright pops of color from fruit hanging from the trees. The heavy morning air left a light mist to cover the ground. While streaks of light shoot through the trees above painting the air with golden dust from the sun. It was almost as if the sun was painting a picture all around me and it was beautiful.

I followed the path I have walked thousand times over. The earth recognizes my pattern leaving me flowers and fruit along the way that I gladly picked and placed into my bag for later. The sound of water began to get louder and louder as I got closer to my destination. The air became dense with water. The trees get more scarce until I reached the river feeding the mouth of Helinda. The waterfall overlooked the valley where the animals run free and the fruit is plenty.

Shivers ran up and down my spine as my toes dip into the water. With steady steps, I began to walk towards the center of the river careful to avoid getting swept away by the current. It was steady and around my feet, I made my way to a piece of earth protruding from the river. The stone warmed from the sun and brought me back to reality. My heart began to race as I inched my toes towards the edge of the rock. The only thing that was separating me from the river was a 20-meter drop into the pool of water below me.

I looked below me into the valley. I glanced past the trees and the animals roaming. My village sat at the foot of the mountain with my home and my sister in the city. The gentle snores of the village were carried with the wind to my ears.

I was so far

I was so far away from home.

While they slept I ran to the top of the mountain past the forbidden forest. Through the many trees and animals that posed a threat to my village daily. And here I stood at the edge of Helinda.

I reached into my hair pulling out the string and keeping it in a bun. All of my long curly silver locks covered my face giving me a brief reminder of who I am. Or what I am. Why do I run here every day at the kiss of dawn? I stood there for a second listening to the encouragement of the wind blowing around me.

My mother always used to share stories of people who befriended the wind. In return, she would tell them secrets from the gods and earth. She gave warriors the strength to face monsters and dangerous enemies. She gave them the courage to face the mightiest warriors before them

I closed my eyes with the memory of my mother's sweet voice. taking a deep breath and leaning my body forward.

The wind pushed and pulled my hair in every single direction. With my eyes closed, I felt as if I were flying through the air. I was flying faster than any of the valleys or royal dragons. I opened my arms wanting to feel every ounce of excitement flowing through my body. A smile found its way onto my face as I fell through the sky.

My thoughts were interrupted by the feel of cool water surrounding my body. I opened my eyes to see I was surrounded by the beautiful clear blue water. My hair floated around my body making everything look far more magical than it already did.

My lungs began to burn signaling to my body that I was beginning to run out of air. I began to swim back to the surface. Taking a deep breath I looked around taking in my surroundings. the hummingbirds sang a love song to the beautiful world as the forest animals added percussion with their hooves running through the beautiful dance floor. the trees moved with the rhythm.

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