Natural Master

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I think I want to marry each one of my characters lol

The stone floors sent shivers down my spine as I roamed through the building

My lack of clothing did not help with the chilly night air

The man's pants rested dangerously low on my hips

And my dress no rested slightly above my stomach

My hair flowed wildly around my head because I didn't have time to braid it back

And now I am wandering through this strange building with no sense of direction

But I felt a pull

My body is drawn in a certain direction

It was like a magnet

So I followed the feeling

I no longer had the energy to question anything

I lost my sister

Killed a whole army and failed to enter eternity all in the last few however many days it has been

And I am tired

The only thing that I have left

The only answer that I have to whatever the heavens have going on is that dragon

I started to hear slowing music in the direction where I was walking towards

The sounds of violins and cellos filled the air

The melody swayed through the air until it finally climaxed

The melody played directly after was a resolve to the tension the

Violins had been created just seconds ago

It was truly beautiful

As an Army medic, I worked long hours with the soldiers

I never had the time to head to shows like many of the townspeople did

But when I had a chance

When I heard the musicians warm up in the mornings

Even if just for a second I would listen to the art they created

"Luna I am scared the room is filled with tall people"

The sound of clapping and talking was suddenly heard after the music had ended

I knew she must be where ever all this sound was coming from I turned the corner

And came face to face with two guards standing by the door

They turned towards me as almost in a daze

They were both built

One was significantly taller than the other they both held wooden staffs in the hands

Snapping out of their daze

One soldier whispered something in the other ear

Causing the shorter one to smirk

" you must have gotten drunk girl. Do you need us to show you where the servant's rooms are" he spoke in a calm voice

it's always the "nice guy"

I could smell their bad intentions from here

They both stood in front of me staring down at my body

I felt slightly better about what I was about to do

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