The Princes Mercy

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Her being a natural master explains her water gift

But the thing that is the most shocking is that natural masters only exist in the royal blood

In the time of dragons before the great war dragons were all assigned masters at birth that shared their ability

But the war only left the isle of light with their dragons leaving only people with fire abilities

Throughout the year dragons soon started to be born without natural masters and eventually, only a handful of natural masters exist today

All with the gift of fire

That is why when the water dragon popped up on our radar we set out to find it

No water dragon has been seen in centuries and one just so happens to appear

And its master is Luna

A stubborn medic with incredible fighting ability and the biggest heart I have ever seen

Luna bent down to pick up the dragon

Guilt filled my heart

She only told me to protect it and there it was shackled to the floor

"She a savage look at what she did to Sir Muncus"

I saw her cringe remembering the sound of his bones breaking underneath the staff luna was holding.

I looked over at lulia and she immediately shut her lips

We may have grown up together and were close at one point in my life but I knew she still feared me

Everyone did

The sound of a metal smash filled my ears

The reinforced metal chain stopped dragons throughout history from fighting back. The metal could not be broken, melted, or bitten off. Most enchanters couldn't even find their way out of these chains.

But this chain was just simply crushed

Luna looked in disbelief at her strength

I could see she suppressed her surprise picking up her dragon and walking towards the exit

I started to push through the crowd to get to her

I don't know what I would say to her but I knew she had nowhere else to go

As the crowd noticed the bloody prince coming through they stepped back afraid to cause anger and be the next victim on my list

I learned to avoid the fearful stared

I am not a man meant to be loved or admired

This is what I deserve

As I got closer to luna I noticed red footprints on the floor

She was beginning to stumble and sway

Ahead of her, the soldiers waited to capture her and take her to prison for her direct defiance of the king

I then started to walk faster toward her stumbling body

The next thing I knew I was running toward her

I didn't stop until we were face to face

The crowd around us was watching and waited to see what I was going to do

They were waiting for me to burn her

But she looked up into my eyes and all I saw was fear and uncertainty

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