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I watched the women around me adorned in their finest jewels and perfumes dancing all around the dance floor.

some looked at me longingly while others' eyes were filled with sadness looking for another royal family member to seduce in my place

I tried to focus on other things but my eyes continuously searched the crowd for her

for her smile

her constant curious eyes

I know that I put her in a hard place

forcing the woman I love to love me

and I just wanted to see her one last time before letting her leave and live her life

forced love isn't anything, nothing can grow from these pits and I understand that

the only thing that mattered to me is that she saw me as something more than a monster

her conversation with Haikem played over and over in my head

"Excuse me," I looked down to a short round man

he looked nervous

he has dressed in a green suit that seemed a bit too small for him

the buttons were practically bursting at the seems

he held a yellow piece of cloth in his hands, that he would use to wipe his sweat constantly

"I-i-i-i just wanted to let you know I've seen what you've been doing on the eastern front and I am very impressed prince" he spoke out


" your army"

I looked down at him my eyes full of confusion

"T-They have been driving out all the rats and keeping the city pure like you've commanded sir" his already nervous body seemed to tremble underneath my glare

I stepped past him and moved towards the king

he was surrounded by his friends, who continuously showered him with compliments and followed him wherever he went

I moved through the crowd and sent straight to my father

he spoke for a while but his now nervous friends forced him to talk to me

" Prince Kai, are you enjoying your engagement celebration?"

he smile and extended his hand to this extravagant party

hundreds of people danced and swayed to the music

hundreds of servers walked around with platers of the most expensive wines and elaborate snacks

I slowly brought my eyes back to my father

"Speaking of this beautiful party where's that fiancé of yours" he questioned

the party had been in full swing for hours and she was nowhere to be seen

I felt a bit of worry rise up in me

maybe she ran

haikem might have gotten through to her

I shook those thoughts from my head to focus on the matter at hand

" did you send a message to the eaters front in my name?" I questioned

his eyes darkened

with one hand raise his friends scattered leaving him and me alone

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