Princess Lulia

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Our Beautiful Princess 👑 

I think she is so stunning, I'm gonna write another story with her as a lead lol

Kai pov

"Wake up"

"wake up"

I felt a salty breeze blowing across my face it was a bit chilly and I pulled whatever was resting in my arms a bit closer for warmth. I felt it lean into my neck providing the warmth I needed.

"wake up " the nagging voice once again filled my mind

My eyes slowly opened I looked around at clouds flying past my face. I was on Leo's back and he was mind-linking with me.

below me was  the Isle of Light  stood in all its glory

Houses made of crystal, as well as imported stone

I couldn't  help but feel disgusted every time I looked at it

All around us, the world stood in flames, and here we are in our glass houses.

We felt the heat but we choose to ignore it like nothing was happening

Women are adorned in layers of beautiful cloth while men flaunt their new horses through the streets 

We were blessed and we knew it, we made sure everyone knew it.

The castle stood at the head of the town 

With its emerald glow

The castle was originally white so it would stand out amongst the village homes despite its size

But over the years the sea took the liberty of adding its flare to the castle adding the green color

No matter how much the king commanded the servants to scrub it would again return to its green tint

I loved it

movement in my arms brought my attention to the girl resting in my arms. memories came back all at once.

luna was asleep and the bandage wrapped around her side was now drenched in blood. because f the cool breeze she pushed herself closer to my body in her sleep seeking more warmth.

Luna's body jumped in her sleep she started moving her hands as a way to protect herself

"Rosie mom!" she whispered in her sleep

hey, eyebrows came close together and small beads of sweat began to form on her brow.

she was having a nightmare 

for some reason, my stomach dropped to the pit of my stomach and I wanted to pull her even closer or try to wake her up but instead, I could just watch her fight whatever she was fighting.

I also hate how soft I was being with her

it was probably because I was tired but at this moment I allowed myself to be gentle even if it was just for a moment

I raised my body into a more comfortable position and lifted her onto my lap so I could carry her to the infirmary once we landed

she leaned into my body and despite my wounds aching I held her close

Leo began to lower his body as we reached the castle gates

" we will arrive in the castle courtyard in a few minutes" Leo's mind linked to me 

I could feel the dragon tired to my back still resting, I made a note to make sure it is fed once we arrived.

I could see the guards preparing for my arrival below

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