A kiss

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I woke up in a panic

My entire body felt as if it had been run over by a cart

And in a way, it had been. I had a painful headache that seemed to get worse when I turned my head. My entire side had been bruised I found myself wincing as I tried to sit up. The air still lightly smelt of burnt ash

" Ash?" I whispered to myself

Then memories of last night came flooding in at once

I remember holding on to kai's hands before I fell asleep

I quickly shot up and searched the room for him but my eyes were still adjusting to the light

" Kai!" I yelled

There was no response

He wasn't in the room at all

"Kai!" I called out once again

I didn't mean to fall asleep but my body was just so exhausted from the past few days. I fell asleep while kai was in need.

I remembered his tear-stained face while I was falling asleep

I wanted to hold him but I knew that he just needed to be grounded before anyone tried to comfort him

I searched the room but I didn't see any traces of kai whatsoever

Tears slowly began to fill my eyes. I didn't mean to leave him.

So many scenarios were running through my head

As my vision cleared I realized the room had been cleared and there wasn't a single trace of what happened last night. My hair had been rebraided and smelt of roses

I tried to figure out what happened but I couldn't connect any dots

I jumped to my feet getting up ready to look for kai

I started walking towards the door when it suddenly flung open

A confused and concerned kai stood in front of me

He had on his usual all-black uniform and his hair was pulled back tightly in a bun. In his hands, he had apples and a jar of honey in the other.

" Luna!' he yelled

His eyes searched the room until they landed on me

He ran towards me dropping everything onto the floor because he saw me crying

Grabbing my face with both hands

"What's wrong?" he spoke quietly almost like he was afraid of hurting me

I opened my mouth to respond but I was at a loss for words

We had been friends but I've never seen him so worried

" Luna what's wrong why were you crying?" he asked once again.

His eyes staring straight into mine

"I-i-i couldn't find you?"

Kai's eyes widened

"you were crying because you couldn't find me?" he questioned

I realized how close we were to each other I could feel his breaths against my face

He quickly stepped back like he realized what I just had

He cleared his throat and fixed his posture

" You were crying because you couldn't find me?" he questioned in a more composed fashion

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