Chapter 12- Dear Fred Weasley

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Elliana sat back on the grass; she had apparated to the hill where her and Fred had their first date. Where he took her to star gaze. Where he took her to watch fireworks.

She curled herself into a ball, completely lost and heartbroken. Elliana didn't know how to feel; she was frustrated, upset, confused, in denial, everything. She just wanted to scream but she also wanted to just fall asleep and never wake up.

She pulled out her quill and parchment from her pocket and began writing.

Dear, Fred Weasley.

If you find this letter, tell George I miss him beyond words. I'll leave it here. If you actually ever cared, I assume you will come looking for me. Im sorry I wasn't good enough, but I'm also sorry you had to resort to cheating. It's a foul thing only a git would do. Next time, if you plan on cheating on somebody, don't tell them you love them.

I still love you Fred, and I hope you the best with your new girlfriend. I only want the best for you, eventhough I hate your guts.

Being your business partner was lovely, really. It made me feel at home. I had a place I felt welcomed, and I loved every bit of it. I'm sorry you ruined that for me. I'm heading back to France soon. I can't stand being around you much longer. I know I'm sending mixed messages, but it's because I hate that I still love you.

I hope Arianna was worth it. Worth all my pain; correction, worth all your bestfriends pain. I was there for you since the second I met you. I lost all my friends in ravenclaw because I was friends with you. I risked everything for you. It's unfortunate you're throwing that all away.

I just can't believe it. Never in a million years. Please, do the decency of telling your mother what REALLY happened. I don't care if she hates you. You cheated. Oh and tell Hermione, and Ginny. They deserve to know what you did.

Happy 8 months you asshole.

Sincerely, Elliana Esther.

Elliana was crying silently as she rolled up the parchment and tied it shut. She laid it out in the exact spot they laid on their first date, before apparating away. Elliana was done with Fred Weasley.

Or so she thought.

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