Chapter 32-A true best friend.

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Elliana leaned back and fell into Fred's arms. He pulled her close gently, handing her tissues for her tears and lip chap for her chapped lips from throwing up. Elliana wondered if he was thinking what she was. He didn't know that she was supposed to get her period a few days ago.

Looking at it, Elliana was almost confident she was pregnant. She hadn't had her period yet and she had been nauseous for at least a day. What if she was? Was Fred ready for this? Was she ready for this?

Fred tilted his head and motioned for George to leave. He did so, shutting the door gently behind him.

Elliana figured it would be best to tell him what she thought immediately instead of lying about it.

"You're okay love." He whispered, rubbing his hand along her thigh gently. They were huddled on the floor of the bathroom with Fred sitting against the wall and Elliana sitting in between his legs and cuddled against him.

"Fred," elliana began.

"Yes Elli?" He replied. She could tell he was quite worried.

Elliana suddenly felt the need not to tell him. What if she wasn't actually pregnant and she told him she thought she was? She would feel so bad. She decided she would take the test before saying anything.

"I think I got food poisoning or something, can we go to the burrow so Mione can heal me up?" Elliana asked quietly.

Fred bit his lip and stood up slowly, helping Elliana up. She wasn't quite as nauseous right now.

"Thank you." Elliana muttered. She walked slowly with Fred's arm around her and out to the living room.

"Food poisoning she thinks." Fred said to George who was standing in complete worry. He let out a relieved sigh and grabbed the floo powder, knowing they needed to see Hermione. She was great at healing food poisoning.

George handed them each a pinch of it and the took the floo network back to the burrow. First Fred, then Elliana, then George.

El sturdier herself. They were now standing in the full burrows living room. It was only 7pm.

"Elliana its so great to see you!" Mrs Weasley squealed, hugging Elliana. Fred gently nudged his mom off and gave her a look saying 'give her a second' which cause Molly to back away.

Hermione looked up from her book and smiled sweetly, as did Ginny.

"She's gotten food poisoning." George said simply, looking at Hermione.

Hermione let out a gasp and stood up, taking Elliana's hand lightly and taking her up to her and Ginny's room.

She pulled out her wand and sat Elliana down on the bed. The second Hermione put her wand to Elliana's stomach El reached her hand out and gripped hermiones wrist.

"Wait Hermione. I don't have food poisoning." El confessed. Hermiones eyes flickered up to El's and narrowed in confusion.

Elliana had no idea how she was ever going to say this.

"My period is late and-" Elliana began. Hermione slapped her hand over Elliana's mouth silencing her before shushing her and walking over to the door. She closed it slowly, making sure nobody was outside.

She silenced the room and locked the door before turning back to Elliana. She walked over and sat down next to Elliana on the bed. They faced each other, sitting cross legged.

"You're pregnant?" Hermione asked in a serious tone.

"I don't know. I came here cause I thought you'd know what to do. My period hasn't came and I threw up at the apartment." Elliana explained.

Hermione reached her hand out and gripped Elliana's, holding it tightly. Before Hermione could ask her question, Elliana nodded. Hermione reached into the spot behind the bed and pulled out a bag.

"You have them here?" Elliana said, shocked. Hermione was pulling out several new pregnancy tests. Why did she have them?

"I'll explain later. And no, I'm not pregnant. I'm careful unlike somebody." Hermione said, brightening the mood slightly.

She opened one of the packs and handed the stick to Elliana. Elliana had never done this kind of thing before.

Hermione turned and looked at the wall as Elliana did her thing. She didnt turn around until Elliana sat back down on the bed with her clothing back on.

"Elliana you know how serious this is right?" Hermione said, staring down at the pregnancy test which hadn't reacted yet.

Elliana didn't want to speak. She just stared down at the test in her hand. She was shaking. Elliana had never been more thankful for Hermione in her life. Hermione Granger was the definition of a true friend.

Hermiones mouth dropped open as Elliana broke into a quiet cry. She dropped the test onto the bed and looked up at Hermione.

Positive pregnancy test results.

Hermione sat up quickly and pulled Elliana into her arms. She hugged her softly, resting her chin on Elliana's head as she cried.

It was so stressful. She was just over 20 and hadn't been expecting kids for AT LEAST another year or two. Or at least until she had gone to schooling to become a healer.

"You'll be alright Elliana." Hermione whispered. Her voice broke slightly and El could tell Hermione was holding back tears aswell. She knew how seriously stressful this was for Elliana.

"I'm barely over 20 Mione." Elliana breathed, taking deep breaths and staying in Hermiones arms.

A true best friend. What would Elliana do without her.

"I know, I know." Hermione said calmly, "whatever you choose to do is the correct choice El." She finished.

Elliana cried in her arms awhile longer. As stressful as everything was, Elliana was glad Hermione was there. She didn't want Fred to know just yet but to be fair, her mind was scattered.

"Do I tell him?" Elliana asked, pulling out of the hug and wiping her tears. Hermione let out a sigh.

"Not till Sunday." Hermione said simply. Elliana was confused. Why not until Sunday.

She trusted Hermiones judgement though, so she had no doubt in what she said.

"I'll wait till Sunday then." Elliana said, standing up. Hermione stood aswell. She handed Elliana the pregnancy test in which Elliana hid in her bag which was sitting next to her bed now.

Hermione gripped her arms around Elliana once more. Elliana hugged back before pulling out of the hug and sighing.

Everything would be alright soon.

"Let's go say goodnight and then we can head to bed." Hermione spoke. They walked out of the bedroom and said goodnight to everyone.

Elliana had trouble facing Fred but hid her secret very well. She told them all Hermione cured her before heading back up to the room and falling asleep nearly instantly, exhausted from the day.

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