Chapter 25-fasination fountain

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Authors Note:
Hey:) I just wanted to say thank you for 4k reads that's absolutely incredible. I'm so thankful for every one of you. I won't take up too much of your time. Also more of my "slytherins~Draco Malfoy" story has been published!



Elliana collapsed herself next to the cold stone statue. The night air was chilly and the stars were shining brightly on Elliana's skin. She was crying under the stars, leaning against a large stone fountain.

This fountain had always been the place Elliana went when she needed to relax. Xavier and her used to sit at the fountain for hours and just talk. They'd talk about anything. Elliana loved how they were in different houses but were still so close.

Xavier would frequently talk about how annoying some of the slytherins were but talk about how gorgeous the one was. Elliana and Xavier began coming to the fountain when they were 14 and 16 but came much more constantly when Elliana came to her 6th year and she was 16.

The fountain made a gorgeous, quiet sound of water running. It was calming. Not only that but the fountain was in the middle of a forest, so it was always empty.


Xavier popped out of nowhere and glanced around quickly looking for Elliana. He finally spotted her leaned against the fountain wall and sitting with her head in her arms.

"El?" Xavier asked quietly. She looked up and smiled slightly. Xavier's heart broke a little when he saw how hurt she was.

He walked over and sat next to her against the fountain wall. She leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed. Elliana stared up at the stars until Xavier spoke once more.

"What happened?" He questioned softly, glancing at Elliana. She sighed and looked at him.

"I tried to talk to Fred about going after Tale, and he completely lost it on me." Elliana replied. Xavier frowned slightly.

"What did he say?" Xavier asked, biting his lip.

"How I was being selfish and how I had no idea how much he loved me. He said I was being a bitch all week and overall basically it was my fault in a way." Elliana breathed, her eyes watering. She had never seen Fred that mad before, it scared her.

It was clear to Elliana that Xavier wanted to say how Fred was being an asshole and speaking complete rubbish, but he didn't because he knew Elliana needed support right now, not more fighting.

"Well do you think you're being selfish?" Xavier then added to his question, "Also El, you aren't being a bitch, you've been under a lot of pressure of course you're on edge."

Xavier always knew the right things to say in situations like this. Elliana was still curious how he was sorted into slytherin, but so was Xavier sometimes.

"Yeah I am being selfish. I just, I thought Fred would react better you know?" Elliana replied slowly. Xavier nodded and Elliana continued, "It's just so frustrating when you and your soulmate are in danger constantly and can't go anywhere! I just want it done with."

Xavier smiled slightly. He was really good with advice, so El couldn't wait to hear what he had to say.

"I think it would be foolish to go after Arianna. But it was so foolish and unnecessary for Fred to act like that." Xavier stated clearly. Elliana for once agreed with somebody. Xavier was the only one who truly understand her feelings in this." I can understand why you would want to go, of course, but it's just too dangerous El. I know you're a great witch but I'm just not sure. We don't know what Arianna is capable of." Xavier added, staring down at Elliana. She never realized how much taller he was than her, even when sitting.

Elliana loved nights like this. Of course she was beyond stressed at the moment, but Xavier talked to her without yelling. Why couldn't Fred have done that? Xavier smiled and pulled out his wand.

Elliana had completely forgot. Xavier and her called the fountain the "fountain of fascination" because it could play the perfect music for any moment with a simple spell. A simple spell that Elliana had found in a book at school of course.

Xavier stood up and waved his wand. The fountain began playing Music. Xavier held out his hand and helped Elliana up. She missed this.

Xavier used to dance with her when she was upset. Of course, dancing like this usually only happened at events, but Elliana and Xavier did it when things were tough, and things sure were tough now.

"You're the best Xav." Elliana giggled as she began to dance with Xavier. It seemed like everything in the world didn't matter then. Xavier was one person who Elliana would never hate, that was for sure.

As she danced with Xavier under the moon, everything felt right. Like her mind had been made up.

Elliana wasn't going to go after Arianna. She realized how much others, Xavier and Fred, loved her. She couldn't risk that with an impulsive decision.

Xavier and Elliana laughed as they danced for the remainder of the song. This reminded her of when they were young; when their biggest issues were Xavier getting broken up with and Elliana getting detention and cheated on by Draco Malfoy.

When the song ended, elliana stepped back smiling. The smile faded slowly as she stepped back into reality. She was glad Xavier was there, and it reminded her of good times, but it didn't change the reality. The reality that her and Fred were disagreeing. The reality that she lost her child. The reality where everything was wrong.

"Elliana, everything is going to be fine." Xavier reassured her. He really was the worlds best brother.

"I know." Elliana sighed. Her tears had dried on her cheeks and she had stopped crying. She just felt numb. "I need to fix things with Fred." Elliana said at once. Xavier bit his cheek.

"I don't know if you should talk to him tonight. He's already angry. I mean yeah you're not going after Arianna but he just hasn't cooled yet." Xavier frowned. Elliana felt alright with what he said. She hadn't even told him what she was going to do and he knew.

"You're right." Elliana sighed. Could she go back to the burrow if her and Fred couldn't tolerate being in the same room? "Should we stay with mom and dad for the night?" Elliana asked, unsure of what to do.

"Well there's no protection there. Yeah moms an auror, but it's just not as safe. We need to go back to the burrow." Xavier stated. He held out his hand and smiled; elliana took his hand and he apparated them back to the burrow. They were standing in the backyard now.

George wasn't anywhere in the backyard. Elliana assumed he was talking to Fred, probably assuming what was happening. They were twins after all.

"You'll be okay with the girls?" Xavier asked, guiding Elliana into the burrow. She nodded and they split up at the stairs. Xavier went to his room with Fred and George whereas Elliana made her way to her room with the girls.

Elliana sighed when she saw Ginny and Hermione already asleep. She shut the door quietly and changed into different sweatpants and a tank top. She laid down on her bed and stared up at the roof.

Elliana was quite exhausted, so she fell asleep nearly instantly. Something felt off.

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