Chapter 13-let me explain

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Elliana was dreading this moment. She had to stop by the shop to get her things. She decided she wasn't going to mention the letter. If he really missed her, he would have gone to that spot aswell.

"Elliana!" George yelled, running down with a look of worry. "You didn't come to work today. What's wrong? Your face is all red." George questioned on an on. Fred hadn't told him?

Elliana scoffed and George looked confused. "Your brother happened George." Elliana snarled. She didn't mean to be rude to George, she just was. "How's Arianna doing?" She finished, looking up at George. He looked completely confused.

"Arianna? What about her? And what did my brother-" George began before Elliana burst into tears again.

"He cheated on me George. I'm heading back to France." Elliana spoke. She did her best not to be rude. George was always good to her.

George looked shocked. He was clearly angry, but in disbelief.

"I caught them. I came home Monday morning at 3:00am, and there they were." Elliana spoke, her voice breaking.

"Elliana.." George was trying to pick an emotion between angry and upset. "He's a git. I'm so sorry. Must you really leave?" George pulled her into a gentle hug. She was thankful to have George as her bestfriend, but his touch was nothing like Fred's.

Truth be told, Elliana fell too in love with Fred Weasley. She fell for him and lost reality. The reality were Fred Weasley didn't love her. Or didn't love her as much as she loved him.

"I can't work with him George." Elliana began, her voice shaking. "I can't even look at him." She added, pulling out of their hug.

"I understand. I am so sorry Elliana, I really am." George comforted her.

"I came to get my things. Fred isn't here I hope?" Elliana asked, looking up at him nervously.

"He is. Unfortunately." George spoke, suddenly uncomfortable. "I'll grab your stuff. I won't tell him you're here though." George smiled at her, before walking up to the apartment.

Elliana stood there, forcing back tears. This had been their dream for years on end. They finally had that, and Fred Weasley fucked it up. Elliana was still in disbelief. She never would have imagined Fred Weasley would cheat on somebody, especially her.

"Elliana!" Came a voice from the stairs, along with quick footsteps. Elliana glanced up to see Fred dashing down the stairs towards her.

"Oh shove off!" She muttered in frustration.

"Look I can explain." He spoke, his voice shaking. Elliana looked up and his eyes were red, nearly as red as his hair.

"Explain how you fell out of love?" Elliana snarled, raising her wand and muttering, "accio luggage." Which sent her bag flying towards her. She caught it and placed it on her back.

"I didn't fall out of love!" Fred explained, though Elliana wanted to believe him, she couldn't.

"You hadn't called me Elli for nearly a month before I called you out. We hadn't been on a date for a month. We hadn't been to the burrow since Christmas. What were you just ashamed of showing me to your family because you didn't love me anymore?" Elliana ranted on. She didn't even tear up. She was staring at him with an empty, plain expression.

"Elliana look." Fred began. It was clear to Elliana he hadn't had an explanation. He made a stupid mistake, but he couldn't take it back.

She turned around and walked straight out the door, not bothering to look back. Though, it was quite hard not to.

She headed for the airport in London. She was really leaving for France, without saying goodbye to Hermione, Ginny, Mrs.Weasley, Harry, Ron, George, or Fred.

She figured she would just find a nice place in France and start a life. Maybe continue her career of a healer. She wasn't quite sure, but she wanted to get out of London as soon as possible.

As she walked into the airport, she aimed straight for her plane. She had managed to get tickets. Unfortunately, her plan was shaken a bit.

There he was, Draco Lucius Malfoy, standing at the wall of the airport with A few friends, which Elliana assumed to be pure bloods. Why were they in a muggle airport?

"Look who it is! Come to see the show?" Draco yelled across the lobby to Elliana. She simply ignored him and continued walking. "Think about my offer yet?" Draco was now following Elliana, but he had left her friends behind.

"Fuck off Malfoy!" Elliana shouted, losing her temper. Barely anybody managed to hear because the airport was so crowded.

Malfoy sniggered, "somebody is in a bad mood. Did you finally realize how filthy your blood is?"

Elliana glared at him. It took everything in her power not to hex him then and there.

"No I didn't. I just got angry when I saw your stupid face." Elliana snarled.

"Maybe I can brighten your mood then?" Malfoy winked. Elliana threw up on the inside.

She continued walking, trying to ignore Malfoy striding behind her. It was impossible.

"Would you stop!" She whipped around to see Malfoy inches from her. She pushed him away aggressively. Somebody please hex him.

Malfoy laughed. "Alright alright, seeya later mudblood."

Elliana couldn't handle it anymore. Her blood was boiling. She was angry at Fred, and now Malfoy. She had never felt more pain.

As he went to turn, Elliana striked him across the face with a sharp, powerful, aching punch causing him to fall to the ground. Everybody around was staring.

Elliana looked down at Draco, bleeding onto the ground. He slowly got up, clenching his fist. Before Elliana knew, Draco swung his fist directly into her cheek bone. She took the punch, glancing up as her cheek burned.

That was the last straw for Elliana. She wanted to roll into a ball and never leave. But she didn't, she realized she had to fight.

El threw a punch, evidently breaking dracos nose. He gripped it with one hand, and went to punch Elliana once more.

Before thinking, Elliana struck him once more, causing him to fall to the ground. His face was bleeding like crazy. Deserved it.

Elliana slowly sank back. Everybody was staring. She didn't know what to do. She was in pain, yet felt so numb.

After that, elliana wasn't allowed to get onto the plane. She had received a 2 month ban from flying. Where was she going to stay?

That, Elliana didn't care. She had cleaned up the cut across her cheek from Draco's ring. She was headed to a bar. Elliana wanted to forget, she wanted to numb it all.

She went to a pub in diagon alley. Her favourite one to be exact.

"Five shots of fire whiskey please." Elliana spoke clearly to the bar man. He placed down the glasses in front of her and she instantly began downing them, getting drunk nearly instantly.

Once again, wizard alcohol was stronger than muggle alcohol.

She felt numb. She knew it was wrong, but it was hard to stop.

That's when she felt a hand on her shoulder and breathe on her neck. Elliana turned and faced the man. There he was.

Fred Weasley

And he was carrying a letter. The letter she wrote and left at their spot. Maybe he did care after all. Maybe he did love her.

Maybe, just maybe,

He still loved her.

Fred Weasley still loved Elliana Esther.

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