Best Laid Plans

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The morning of the draft we all ate breakfast and got dressed up. Ryan looked so hot in his suit and tie with his hair done like I love it.

I got all dressed up in this nice red dress that stopped right below my knee and cut down in a "V". Just showing the right amount of clevage. I put on some make up and straightened my dark brown hair. I walked out of the bathroom and right into Ryan. "Ouch" I said as my head hit his chest. "Lookin good," Ryan said with a smile. His eyes looking over me. I blushed a little and said "Thanks Anderson".

I don't know how he always managed to make me feel like I couldn't breath when he would compliment me. I wasn't so used to hearing compliments as they were few and far between.

My mom always doted on my sister, the prettier, blonde, skinner one. As we got older she tried her damdest to push my sister Bethany on Ryan. Always telling him what a cute couple he would make with her. I know my mother loved me, she just put a lot of merit into looks and being thin. Honestly, I am surprised I never developed an eating disorder the way her and my sister picked on me about my weight.

We arrived at the TD Garden in Boston and took our seats and got ready for the draft to begin.

We sat down in the seats assigned to him and his family and he immediately took my hand.

I could tell that he was nervous, he always bounced his leg and couldn't sit still when he got like that.

I squeezed his hand and looked at him. I got lost in those eyes that I always wished would look at me as more than just a friend. I shook my head and gave him a smile.

"You got this Ry. You are going to go in the top 5 for sure," I said.

"How do you know? What if I didn't do enough? Maybe there were games if I tried harder I could have gotten that extra goal or assist? What if...."

"You did more than enough. You just need to try to relax and they'll call your name high, I promise you," I said giving him a reassuring smile.

We didn't have to wait to long to hear Ryan's name called. The Boston Bruins had third pick and their general manager went up to the podium and selected Ryan Anderson. We all cheered so loudly as he walked up to the podium and got his jersey and hat.

I was so proud of him that day and that memory is forever burned into my brain.

After the draft was over and Ryan was finished with all the paper work, we went back to the hotel. He asked if I wanted to come with him to a celebratory party the NHL was holding for all the players that got drafted. I was hesitant as I didn't want to be in the way, but the party was being held in the hotel we were staying at so I went.

At first when I got there Ryan never left my side making sure that I was okay. I was, but eventually he got pulled away and I was left hanging out by myself. I didn't know anyone and for a while I lost Ryan, but found him surrounded by other players that were drafted and gorgeous model like girls. Of course this is why he didn't come find me.

I was making my way over to tell him I was going back upstairs, when I heard one of the other guys say to Ryan.

"Hey what are you doing man what are you doing? Didn't you come here with your girlfriend. You know the one in the red dress who is ahh you know the bigger one", the guy said to him.

I stopped in my tracks and listened to Ryan's response.

"Oh who Alley, nahh she is just a friend and nothing more. Never will be anything more than that. Come on guys I can do better than that", he said and  then went back to talking to one of the bimbos on his arm.

10 Seconds Left in Overtime (Anderson Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now