I Do

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It was a month later and with a lot of hard work and some really good friends and family pitching in we planned and now were going to execute our wedding.

Since it was the summertime and there was no hockey, Ryan and I couldn't think of a better plae to get married then our home town.

We wanted to get married were it all started.

Where a little brown haired, blue eyed boy met a feisty little brown haired, brown eyes girl and became the best of friends. Even though they lost touch for a bit when the grew up, life had a way of bringing them back together.

We wanted just a small gathering of our family and close friends, so there would only be about 30 people.

I had, Mer, my sister and Ryan's sister in my wedding party and Ryan had Jeff, his best buddy Sam and his dad in his wedding party.

When we decided to have the wedding back home.

I called my mom and had a very long talk with her. I really wanted to get over all the hurt and move forward. It went okay and I learned to accept that is just how she is and I would have to put up a guard with her.

So here we are on my wedding day. It was 8:00 am on a Saturday morning and I was getting my hair and make up done at my old childhood home. It took me one shop to decide on a dress. I went simple and elegant. When the clerk brought it out to me I knew it was the one.

I put it on and I felt amazing

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I put it on and I felt amazing.  I had been working really hard to loose the 20lbs I put on with Jay and I had done it.

My mom looked at me and smiled.  She looked genuinely happy for me.  "You look beautiful Alison.  Ryan is a lucky man and make sure he never for gets it, she said to me.

"Thanks mom and he knows and shows me everyday," I say assuring her.

I smoothed down the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. I thought to myself about how far I had come from that hurt 18 year old, who left for university to this woman, who is now a mother and soon to be a wife to the man who she loved all her life.

I looked down into the bassinet in my room and saw Jay looking up at me. He had Ryan's eyes, my mouth and nose and Ry's dark brown hair. I smiled and knew that whatever life held for us, we would be okay.

I put on my veil and walked down stairs to where the car was waiting to take me to get married. My dad stopped me and smiled looking at his first born all grown up.

"I am so proud of you. You will be a wonderful mother and wife, but to me you will always be my little girl," he said with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you dad, but if you cry, I am going to cry and then mom will kill us both," I say laughing.

We all got into two vintage cars that would bring me and the bridal party to the church.  My mom had Jay with her in a cute little tuxedo onesie.

We got out of the cars at the church and we all went inside. I was getting more nervous by the minute. The wedding coordinator told us to all line up.  I stood there beside my dad waiting for our turn to go.

After Bethany, my dad and I stood there.  His arm linked with mine.  I squeezed his hand a little and I knew he was trying to hard not to cry.

The bridal march started and my dad and proceeded to walk down the aisle.  I looked a head and saw Ryan there in his tux.  His dad stood beside him and the Jeff and Sam.

He looked so handsome and I saw how he looked at me and smiled.  His eyes getting all glossy as I got closer.

We got to the front and I smiled. 

"You look beautiful Doc," Ryan said taking my hand.

"You look extremely handsome yourself," I said fighting back tears.

The minister started the ceremony and my dad gave me away to Ryan and went to go sit with my mom and Jay.

Ryan looked at me and recited his vows, "Alley from the moment I met you as kid I knew that there was something special about you. You were always my biggest cheerleader and my best friend. Even though I was a stupid kid and didn't see what was right in front of me, I eventually wised up after a good kick in the butt and acknowledged the feelings that I have always had for you. I will be forever grateful that you chose to love me and that you are the mother to our son. I will always love you till my time is up. You are my Northern Star Alley and with you I will never lose my way."

I looked at Ryan with tears in my eyes and trying to compose myself for my vows, "Ryan ever since I was a kid I think I have loved you. You were always amazingly kind and protective over me and I guess that is what made me fall in love with you. I am so happy that we found our way back to one another when the timing was right. I will love you Ry, till my time is up. There is no one else who completes me the way you do."

We exchanged our rings and with one thing left to do the minister pronounced us man and wife. Ryan didn't have to be told twice to kiss me. He kissed me with so much passion, my whole body tingled and I wanted him so much.

We walked out of the church smiling arm in arm and I couldn't wait to see what the rest of life held for us.


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