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The doctor wanted to keep me in the hospital overnight and possibly two more nights depending on the results of my cat scan and labs.

I really just wanted to go home and by home I meant my house. I don't think I really would be comfortable at Ryan's for a while. He understood and had gathered up my stuff and most of his and moved it over to my place.

He also called my parents and his parents to let them know what happened before the media caught wind of it and they found out that way.

I guess my dad laid into him about putting me in danger because he couldn't keep it in his pants over the last 6 years. Ryan apologized several times and told my dad that he was not leaving my side till he knew I was 100% okay and safe.

I talked to my mom and dad and they both wanted to fly out to see me, but I told them it wasn't necessary as I was getting the best care in the hospital and I had Ryan with me.

I really wouldn't have minded my dad coming as I really missed him, but I didn't want to face my mom and all her questions and "I told you so's".

Ryan's parents on the other had flown down right away and stayed with him at my house and came to visit with him and sometimes without.

His mom sat with me and just hugged me and apologized for her son. I kept telling her that it was okay, I didn't blame him and that we all had a past. Some more colorful than others.

She just looked at me and asked how Ryan got so lucky to find me again and that I had one of the biggest hearts she'd ever known.

She also told me that Ry's dad was having a long man to man conversation about his past behavior.

I was waiting anxiously for the doctor to come in on the third day and let me know if I could be released. Ryan had gone to grab something for us to eat and I was taking a little nap when the door opened.

"Good afternoon Doctor Hudson", Doctor Moore said to me.

"Hey Drew, and please call me Alley", I said. "No formalities needed."

"Alright Alley, I went over your cat scan and labs and I am comfortable letting you go home today. Just make sure you come back if you start experiencing any headaches or nausea, okay?" he said to me.

"I will, I promise," I say getting up and gathering the clothes Ryan brought for me.

"Oh by the way congratulations on expecting", I hear him say.

I turn around, "Excuse me what did you say?" I ask, thinking that he must have gotten my chart mixed up with someone else.

"No one told you, your about 8 weeks along?" he says with a confused look on his face.

"Ahh no, no one told me anything like that and that's impossible, I'm on the pill," I say walking over to the doctor. "Can I see my labs", I ask.

"Sure, there is no mistake it was run twice just to be sure. Remember it's not 100% and different things can affect the effectiveness," he says to me.

I take my chart and labs and read over them. No doubt about it, I'm just a little over 8 weeks along.

"Shit", I say looking at the labs. Needing to sit back down on the bed for a moment.

"Alley are you okay, do you need me to get a nurse or some water?" he asks.

"No I'll be fine, just in shock is all," I say sitting there thinking about how to tell Ryan this.

Drew walks out of the room and I lay back trying to process all this. I am going to be a mom, but what if Ryan doesn't want a kid yet. I guess I'll be a single mom, it will be hard, but I know I'll be able to do.

Just as I am thinking about all the different scenarios Ryan walks back in with some food.

"Hey Doc, got your favorite from Anna's and that specialty tea you love", he says handing it to me.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it," I say giving him a hug and a kiss.

"So did the doctor say if you could go home today?" he asks me.

"Yea I am good to go I just have to get changed", I say taking a sip of my tea.

"Best news ever", he says smiling biting into his food.

"Ry I have to tell you something that the doctor just told me", I say sitting up.

"Alright, you are kind of scaring me the way you are saying this," he says.

"I'm pregnant", I say looking at him in the eyes.

"Funny, what is it that you really have to tell me", he says leaning forward a little.

"I really am pregnant. I'm just over 8 weeks," I say grabbing his hand.

"I am so sorry, I didn't know. I was taking my pill regularly, but their not 100%,"
I say looking at him.

I kept rambling on not wanting there to be any silence for him to get mad.

I watched him and he put his food on the table and got up and walked over to where I was sitting on the bed and he leaned in and kissed me passionately. I moaned a little into his kiss as he held me tightly.

He pulled back and smiled, "I lied when I said that you getting out was the best news ever, what you just told me now, that I am going to be a dad is the best news ever," he says and he started to kiss me again this time running his tongue along my bottom lip asking me to open my mouth, so I did.

We were in a full out make out session, when the doctor came back in to have be sign my release papers. He cleared his throat and we both pulled apart. "Well now I can see how you two got pregnant in the first place", he says with a laugh.

I sign my papers and get changed and Ry walks me to the car like I am made of glass. "Ry, I am not going to break, I think I can walk on my own," I say.

"No way Doc, you are carrying precious cargo in that body of yours and I am going to protect it to the best of my ability. I let you down once it's not happening again," he says.

I get in the car and he starts to drive us back to my house. His hand slips into mine and he is smiling like a proud dad.

"You know we are going to have to tell your parents when we get there. They are going to know something is up with that goofy smile of yours," I say poking him in the ribs.

"Not tonight, I want to keep this between you and me tonight and we'll tell them tomorrow," he says.

"Tonight I just want to go home and wrap my arms around you and not let you go for a very long time. I almost lost you, well both of you, and I am not letting that happen again," he says pulling into the driveway and comes around to open my door.

"Well wipe that goofy smile off your face or you'll give it away", I say leaning in and kissing him.

"I love you so much Alley Hudson, I didn't think I could love you anymore, but your are carrying our child and my heart is so full," he says holding me tightly.

I start to cry a little and smile, "I didn't know how you would react to this. I mean I know kids were the plan, but not till later," I say.

"Hey when did we do anything in order. This is amazing news, but like I said tonight it's just between you and I," he says smiling.

As we walked into the house I hoped that we had crossed all the hurdles needed for it to be jus smooth sailing from now on.

10 Seconds Left in Overtime (Anderson Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now