The Aftermath

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***1 week later after Ryan's surgery***

The surgery for Ryan went really well.  His coach and trainer agreed to the quick time line in order to get him recovered and back on the ice as soon as possible.  

After the surgery Ryan was in the hospital for about a week just to make sure all was healing well and to get started with the physiotherapist.  Needless to say all the nurses were fighting over being assigned to his room.

I however made sure that the two I caught in the locker room where not assigned to his room.  He didn't need that kind of attention.  Although if I was really honest I did it for me too.  I didn't need anymore competition.

It really was somewhat of a circus in the hospital with all the media outside wanting the latest update on the star Bruins status.  

The amount of Bruin players that would stop by to check on Ryan and to give him the updates about their games was also a lot.  I think every red blooded woman that worked in the hospital was on Ryan's floor when his teammates would stop by.  It was actually quite funny.

I would stop in and visit with Ryan later in the evenings when my shift was over and all the crowds had gone home.  We made it a habit of having dinner together.  Most of the time I would bring him something I had cooked the night before because the hospital food was something to be desired.

One night when I stopped by one of his teammates was still there.  I walked in dressed in just my jeans and a sweater with my coat in my arms.

"Ahh so this must be the infamous Doc Alley." His teammate says.

I blushed a little and extended my hand, "That would be me." I said with a smile.

"Al this is Jeff." Ryan says sitting up a little.

"He is the best damn defenseman money can buy in the NHL and my closest friend on the team."

"Very nice to meet you Jeff, but you know that visiting hours ended like 30 minutes ago." I say trying to sound all authoritative.

"I like this one Anderson,  you better keep this one or I may just have to take her off your hands", he says with a smile that probably have dropped a few panties.

"Well I am sure if he knows what is good for him, he'll keep me around", I say jokingly.

Jeff shakes his head. "Yup she is a keeper.  If she can keep up with me, she defiantly can keep up with you Ry," he says smiling at me.

"I will leave you two for the night, but we can't wait for you to be back on the ice with us Ry and make sure this one comes to the game and cheers us on", he says with a little wink.

I sit down in the chair beside Ryan's bed and hand him the dinner I packed. 

"What's on the menu tonight?" he asks.

"Beef Stew with homemade cheddar biscuits." I say getting comfy in the chair.

"So I overheard your attending doctor before I clocked off and he is going to discharge you tomorrow morning," I say eating some of the stew.

"No shit, that is awesome.  I am so ready to get out of this place and back home," he says smiling and shoveling in the food.

"Is there someone I can call for you to take you home? Or if you want I have the day off I can come by and drive you home.  You are going to need some help though at home.  Can your mom come stay with you for a bit?" I ask.

"I don't know, I think her and my dad are going to my sister's to visit and spend sometime with her and the kids," he says running his hand through his hair.

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