It's Out

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It had been several months since the press release about my relationship and Alley and I were being very careful not to get spotted out together.  It really sucked that we had to sneak around like we were doing something wrong, but it also made it kind of hot too.

When she came to my games she would always hang back when she waited for me, trying her best to blend in with the rest of the people waiting around.  She would bring her friend Meredith from her office to sit with her and it seemed to be working out good for her friend too as Jeff and a couple other guys started to take interest in her after the 4th time Alley brought her to the game.

Her and Meredith always had it planned out that Meredith would drive, so that when the game was over Alley could just come home with me and sometimes we wouldn't make it out of the parking garage without a little taste of one another.

I was hard being away from Alley so much, but when we were together we made up for the lost time.  We had been together for just over 4 months and I just wanted so bad for her to move in with me.  I just had to find the right time to bring it up cause I knew the commute for her every day wasn't something she would like very much.

I was on my way back from a week's road trip on the West coast and I had got off the plane, still trying to get back on Eastern time, heading towards baggage.

I switched my phone off airplane mode and was immediately flooded with texts and voicemails.

I scrolled through the texts and saw several from Alley.  I called her immediately, "Hey Doc, where is the fire?" I asked jokingly.

"Ry have you seen the sports news.  Someone leaked it and they know who I am.  They even found out what I do and there have been reporters staked outside my office all day," she says in a panic.

"Shit, I am so sorry.  I will head over to the office as soon as I get my bags and car," I say walking faster to the baggage claim.

"Don't do that.  That is only going to cause more hysteria over here.  Fuck my patients are freaked out and frankly so am I," she says.

"I'll get a car to come get you after work and bring you to my place.  Did you want me to grab some clothes and Finn from your place?" I ask.

"I don't know if you should, my neighbour just called and asked why there was a news truck in front of my place.  If they see you there it's going to be bad, " she says and I hear the concern in her voice.

"Call your neighbour and ask if she can grab Finn and some things for you and I'll just get them from her place.  She is a couple of doors down right?" I ask grabbing my bag off the round a bout.

"Yea, okay I will call her and see if she can do that and I will text you her address and let her know what the plan is," she says.

"And Al, I love you so much and I am so sorry this turned into such a mess," I say running my hand through my hair.

"It's okay, we knew it was coming, I just thought maybe we would have more time just being Ryan and Alley.  You know?" she says.

"Doc, we are still just Ryan and Alley.  Always remember that.  All that is happening will die down when J-Lo and A-Rod decided to have their wedding," I say trying to make her smile.

"Thanks, I love you too and I will text you as soon as I talk to Tina," she says.

"Love you more Doc," I say hanging up the phone.

"Fuck," I say a lot louder than I probably should have being in a public place.

Jeff comes over, "Alley okay man?" he asks putting his hand on my shoulder.

10 Seconds Left in Overtime (Anderson Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now