Weeks gone by

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A couple of weeks had passed since the announcement that Ryan was off the market. The sports news outlets were wondering who was able to tame the notorious bad boy.

I told Mer what had happened over the last couple of weeks, but swore her to secrecy. I hated lying to her as she had become a close friend.

She was so happy for us and I even said I would introduce her to some of the single guys on the team. She told me that was better than any bonus I could have given her. I just smiled and laughed.

Ryan was given the all clear to start back practicing with the team. He was like a kid at Christmas the day of his first practice back. All the guys were happy to have him back and noticed that he wasn't such an asshole anymore.

Sure he got teased and asked about the girl who tamed his wild ways, but he kept that answer close to the chest. He liked that our relationship, though somewhat out there, was still just private between us and a few close family members and friends.

Jeff got it out of him one night though when they were hanging at Ry's place and I showed up to spend the night. Jeff smiled and said Ry was a lucky man and to treat me right cause he would be there to scoop me up if it ever went south.

I missed Ry not being at my place all the time, but he would stay over on nights he had practice and I would stay over there on my days off.

Ry's parents came down a couple of days before he was due to get back into the line up.

Him and I were at his place and had just finished dinner and I was trying to get the dishes done, but apparently he had other plans.

"Al leave them till tomorrow," he said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck. He slid his hands around my waist and to started to unbutton my jeans.

"Come on your parents are due to be here any minute and I want this place to be clean," I said trying to get his hands off me.

"Clean is over rated," he says slipping his hand inside my jeans. "My parents won't be here till at least 8:00 and it's only 5:30. Plenty of time for what I have in mind and then clean the dishes."

"This is not a good idea right now," I say feeling his finger slip inside me.

"Oh I think it's a very good idea and by the way you feel right now I think you do," he says pushing his finger inside me more.

I moan a little and I feel him slip in another finger and push me harder against the sink grinding his very hard erection into me.

Just he starts to rub my clit with this thumb and I hear the door open.

"Ry Bear, Alley we are here. We took an earlier flight to surprise you," I hear his mom say.

"Shit, Fuck Alley," I hear Ryan say, as he pulls his fingers out from inside me and my jeans.

I can't help, but laugh as I try frantically to do up my jeans and watch as he frantically washes his hands.

"Umm what are you planning to do about that?" I ask pointing to the tent in the front of his sweats.

"Shit, stall them and I'll be right back," he says as he runs to the other side of the kitchen to head out the other side.

By this point I am laughing so hard because I did warn him and he let his penis think for him again. I compose myself and head out to great Ryan's mom and dad.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Anderson," I say and I see they have already found Finn and are getting to know him.

"Alley, Oh my goodness dear you look as beautiful as ever," his mom says wrapping me in a hug.

"Alley come here," his dad says opening his arms. I give him a big hug.

"Where is that son of mine?" his mom asks.

"Ahh he had to go to the washroom real quick," I say.

He comes down the stairs now dressed in jeans and I can clearly see he is uncomfortable.  I am trying so hard not to laugh at this point.

"Hey mom, dad.  You are early," he says trying to smile.

"We took and earlier flight to surprise you.  I hope that is okay?" his mom says.

"Absolutely, we just finished up dinner and Ry was just in the middle of desert," I say smirking at him playfully.

He shoots me a you're in for it later look and I smile.

We get his parents settled in and we end up talking about everything that has happened over the last couple of months.

"Well Ry Bear, I am beat and am going to head to bed," his mom says and gives him a kiss on the forehead and me a hug.

I smile and let him and his dad know that I am going to head to bed because I can see his dad wants to talk with him.

"Don't be too late.  You've got a big game tomorrow," I say giving him a kiss and his dad a hug.

I head to his bedroom and on the way I run into his mom. She stops me and gives me the biggest, warmest hug.

"Thank you, for giving my bone head of a son another chance.  I know what happened and I don't blame you for not speaking with him for 6 years.  He was lost without you though and I know deep down he has loved you since you were kids," she says holding my hand tightly.

I start to tear up at Angie's words.  I have always seen Angie as the mom I wanted so badly.

"You brought back the light in his eyes.  Always remember you are his one sweetie.  He has never looked at anyone the way he looks at you," she says.

"Thank you Mrs. I mean Angie.  He is my one too.  He always has been," I say giving her a reassuring smile.

"I know sweetie.  I saw how it crushed you every time he dated other girls, but that was his way of finding the best.  You," she says placing her hand on my cheek.

I give her one last hug and head to bed.  I get changed into my pjs, but I see hanging up one of Ry's old high school jerseys.  I slip it on and it comes down just over my butt.  I decide to wear that to bed. 

I get into bed and sit down and I am just about to slip under the covers when Ry comes in. He sees me and smiles, shutting and locking the door.

"Damn, good choice of sleepwear," he says walking over to the bed and stripping away his clothes.

I smile and slip under the covers. "You sir need to save all that pent up frustration for the game tomorrow," I say,

"No fucking way. You knew what that would do to me when you put that jersey on in the first place," he says moving closer to me.

I smile and lie back admiring Ryan as he gets on top of me.

"I can't wait to see you in the stands cheering me on. You are my home and nothing will ever change that," he says leaning in and kissing me deeply.

We made love that night and fell asleep in each others arms. Little did either of us know how hard we'd have to work to keep that "home".

10 Seconds Left in Overtime (Anderson Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now