The Answer

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It had been 4 months since the incident at Ryan's house.  The media found out about the incident and it was a big shit show for a while. 

After that day I couldn't step back in that house.  We had good memories there, but that night tainted them all.

We had been staying at my place, but Ryan really wanted to get a new place together.  Somewhere out of the city, not a huge commute for me, but a place where our child could grow up without the hustle of the the city.  We looked everywhere and were having no luck.  So we stayed in my house and made due for the time being.

I was now in my third trimester and things were going great.  We decided to not find out the sex of the baby until the day he or she was born.

Ryan was busier then ever winding down the regular season and preparing for the playoffs. I was still working. As long as my growing bump didn't get in the way of me preforming my surgeries the Chief of Staff was okay with me continuing.

I was getting a little nervous though, the trial for what Nikki had done was coming up soon and Ryan, Myself and Jeff all had to testify.

I had been going to therapy twice a week since it happened. At first I didn't think I need to talk to anyone and then the nightmares started to get worse and I wasn't sleeping. I knew that I had to do something as the stress was not good for the little peanut I was growing. The therapy seemed to be helping. The dreams got less and less and my stress levels were coming down.

Ryan and Myself were really hoping Nikki would have taken the deal offered to her.

The District Attorney called me one afternoon to let me know they were offering her one.

They found out she was suffering from a manic episode when everything happened and wanted to spare me a trial and having to testify. I was okay with the deal, 4 years in a state run mental health facility and a life time restraining order for myself, that extended to Ryan and any children that we would have.

She wouldn't take it though, she wanted her day in court and I truly believe it was to see Ryan again. She kept asking her lawyer to contact him to come see her.

My therapist said that me testifying would be a good way for me to get some closure for what happened, but if I felt I couldn't there was no shame in that either.

I decided, after talking it over with Ryan, that I would. Maybe even though she had some mental health issues that she needed to be put away a little longer to protect us and the baby.

He supported my decision and said he would be right there with. Although, if I testified before him he couldn't be in the courtroom cause he was also a witness. So I was hoping he was first.

In between the court date coming up and the playoffs, we were still looking for the perfect place. I kept telling Ry we would probably have to wait until after the baby was born, but he was determined to find our family home.

The Bruins swept the Canadians in the first round of the playoffs, so in a rare occurrence Ryan would be home for 7 days straight. I made sure to take those days off from work so I could spend sometime with him.

The first day home, we made up for lost time. Being pregnant made my hormones go into over drive and I wanted Ryan, all day, every where in the house.

He didn't mind at all, telling me he would just walk around naked to make it easier for me. I just laughed and told him half the fun of sex is the build up to it by taking off each others clothes and teasing.

"Whatever you say Doc. I was just trying to save us some time for more sex," he said throwing on some clothes and walking over to me and putting his hand on my growing stomach.

10 Seconds Left in Overtime (Anderson Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now