The Past has a way of coming back

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**6 years later**

Meredith walks into my office as I am getting settled for the morning.

"So how was the date last night boss?" She asks smiling.

"Ugh, terrible. I really think all the good guys are taken, cause I have been out with a lot of bad ones lately."

She laughs, "Well I have something that just might cheer you up."

"OMG if it's another one of your adult gifts that you think I must try, I haven't even opened the last one, so take it back". I say laughing.

She laughs out loud really loudly and assures me that is not the good news. "I just got a call from a local sports team and their star player needs a consult on a rotator cuff. The trainer thinks he may need surgery and wants a second opinion from the best".

That's right I went to University, finished with honors and got into the best med school in the US and now I, Allison Hudson am one of the most sought after surgeons in all of Boston.

"Who is it now? One of the Celtics, or the Red Sox players again?" I ask Meredith.

"Nope." she says shaking her head and getting giddier by the minute.

"Well who then?" I ask smiling wanting to know.

"Well, he doesn't use a ball or a bat, but he does use a stick and a puck and he can make a woman's panties drop just with his smile," she says with a big smile.

I stop what I am doing and look up. "Please don't tell me it's Ryan Anderson." I say in a tone that is begging her not to say that I am right.

"It is that very person," She says with a smile. "And he will be here in 20 minutes."

"Fuck." I say to myself, in the 2 years that I have been in Boston I have been able to not cross paths with Ryan.

It's not like we run in the same social circles or anything, but even though Boston is big, it's not that big.

I take a sip of my now warm tea and just pray that he doesn't recognize me.

It's been 6 years and I don't look like that same 18 year old that left for University.

I still have those same curves, but I have lost the baby fat and gained a tone of confidence in myself.

Twenty minutes flies by and before I know it there is a knock on my office door. Meredith pokes her head in and lets me know that Mr. Anderson is in room one. She nicely adds that he is looking as hot as ever.

I just shake my head and look over the file the trainer sent me last night via email.

Once I have looked over everything and compose myself and vow not to let him get to me and praying he don't realize it's me, I walk over to the exam room and knock on the door.

I hear a voice, his voice tell me to come in.

I am suddenly taken back to when I was 16 and so in love with that boy. I shake out of it and open the door.

In the room in front of me is not longer that boy I left behind in Sioux Lookout, there is a man looking at me.

He is still Ryan, but something in his eyes is gone from the happy go lucky boy I knew.

I introduce myself as Doctor Hudson and we start to go over why he was sent here and what I will have to do to examine his shoulder.

He doesn't recognize me so far and I thank my lucky stars, but there is a part of me that is hurt. We spent our entire childhood together and he forgets me in just 6 years.

I touch his arm and heat fills my body, the same heat that filled my body when we were kids.

I move it in certain ways and ask him if this hurts, he winces and nods yes. I move his arm another way and ask if that hurts, again he winces and nods yes.

"Alright well I have to take an x-ray and ultra sound so you will have to remove your shirt Mr. Anderson. I will step out of the room so you can put on a gown," I say grabbing the door handle.

"No need Doc, I'm not shy," he says as he lifts up his shirt and throws it on the chair.

I can't help, but stare a little at his body. The boy I knew is gone for sure. His chest is rock hard, wash board abs and his pelvic lines leading down into his jeans.

He catches me checking him out and smiles, "I took you more for a eyes woman Doc."

I blush a little and clear my throat. "Lie back," I say as Mer wheels in the ultra sound machine.

I notice her checking him out as I start the ultra sound. "Thank you Meredith. That will be all." I say.

She leaves shutting the door and turning the light off.

I start working the machine on his shoulder.

"So Doc tell me, am I as fucked as my trainer thinks I am." Ryan asks.

"Well it looks like there is a tear, but nothing I can't fix. I would like to take a x-ray just to be sure, I say turning the lights back on and trying to move the exam along.

We move into the other room and get a x-ray done.

I schedule another appointment with him, his coach and trainer to discuss the surgery. I tell him he will be on the DL list for now, but shouldn't have to miss too much of the season.

"You can put your shirt back on now," I say writing in his chart.

"Getting tired of what you see?" He asks with a smirk.

I blush a little and catch him looking me for a little longer than normal.

"You remind me of someone from my past." He says smiling. "I guess that is why I feel comfortable with you," he says.

Shit I think to myself is he remembering who I am. "I guess I just have good bedside manner. I say quickly, anything to get him on his way.

"Thanks again, I know I am in good hands." He says shaking my hand and when we touch it's like a spark goes off and I see in his eyes he feels it too.

His hand lingers a little on mine and I clear my throat, "Well I must be going Mr. Anderson. I will see you on the 16th."

" I will be here with bells on," he says getting up. He opens the door and says goodbye.

I let go of the breathe I didn't realize I had been holding onto. Thank god he didn't recognize me.

I sit at the small desk in the room writing a few more notes. Just as I am finishing up, the door flies open. It's him and he has this look in his eyes like he remembers.

Before I get to say anything, I hear " Alley fucking Hudson. What the hell?"

Shit, I say to myself. I guess he did remember.

10 Seconds Left in Overtime (Anderson Series #1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt