Chapter 1

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The light breeze was brushing against her neck, while her dark, brown hair, tied up in a ponytail, swished from side to side in every step. A few drops of sweat ran on her body, making her wince as they touched the scar on her abdomen.

You got this, she thought. A few more meters, and it's a new record.

An old lady greeted her as the young woman continued running, even if her leg had started to protest in pain.

That was her daily routine. Wake up, be thankful that you are alive, and run.

Alba Rivet had spent almost a month in a hospital, staring at the white ceiling while the doctors ran their tests and the nurses tried to make her comfortable. She was tired of lying and doing nothing. She was tired of being helpless, crying at night, and reading notes to remember basic things about her life.

The moment the doctor said that she could start running again, Alba felt relieved. Somehow she had managed to get out of the destroyed car, and no one could believe how fast her body had healed. However, she wished they could say the same about her brain.

The smartphone that wrapped around her wrist beeped, and she smiled triumphantly.

I'm almost back. A few more weeks, and I might be close enough to reach my personal record.

The smartphone beeped again, reminding her of a meeting she couldn't postpone.

Fuck! Kayla is going to kill me if I'm late.

Alba turned off the timer and started running, at a lower speed, toward her apartment. The smells from the flower shop hit her nostrils, increasing her urge to stop and admire the beautiful flowers.

Maybe tomorrow, she promised to herself, but not before she caught a glimpse of a flower with rose petals and white center. Something about that flower was familiar, but as usual, her mind was blank.

The cells inside her brain had started working, desperately trying to find a connection, and she was so captivated that she failed to see the car that was moving in her direction.

The scene lasted a few seconds because the driver managed to stop the car before hitting Alba, but a memory had enough time to surface.

One moment she was in the middle of the road, panting from the avoided accident, and the next moment she was sitting in her car staring in terror at the truck that was moving fast, ready to hit her. Alba's hand reached to the right to grab something while her leg was pressing the gas pedal, but it was pointless. The truck crashed into her car, and she forgot everything she ever was.

"Miss, are you okay? I didn't hit her. I stopped. She didn't check the road before walking." The driver was trying to excuse himself before anyone had a chance to blame him.

Alba took a deep breath and faced a pair of worried eyes and a few faces waiting for her response.

She tried to speak but failed. Her knees were bent, and her body leaned forward while she rested her palms on her knees.

Pointing with her finger, she showed that she was okay.

"Miss, you should check the road. If I hadn't stopped..." The driver put his hands on each side of his head and moved it in shock.

"I'm sorry, but I'm fine," she said, but she wasn't sure if she was telling it to the driver or herself. "I really am. I have to go. I'm sorry."

Her steps led her to the apartment where she lived for the last seven years. Sometimes it felt cold and lonely. It belonged to a part of her life that was a blur in her mind.

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