Chapter 18

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There were two ways to get to the garage of the base. Either from the corridors that Agent 37-T had used or the west wing's stairs between the Chief's and Assistant Agent X's offices.

She couldn't follow the tall guy, but the west wing was unstable, and she didn't know if the stairs were damaged or not.

Certain death if I go to the Great Room and possible death if I choose the second way. I'd rather take the possible death than the certain one.

Carefully, she got out of her father's office. Parts of the roof and the wall had fallen, and she wondered if the destruction was visible from the ground.

Alba tried not avoid the holes, the big stones and the places where there were pipes, iron tubes or anything that could injure her.

She was full of dust, dirt and sweat, and she wanted to sneeze. However, she knew that she was walking toward the enemy. While she was heading toward the stairs, her enemies were walking toward her. She was counting on her small size to move faster and hoped that their heavy armor would slow them down enough to avoid a meeting.

It must be here. I'm sure it is. I just can't see it, she thought when she reached the place where the stairs were supposed to be.

She didn't want to believe that they were destroyed due to the explosion.

Moving a few rocks and trying to be as quiet as possible, she managed to create an opening and see what seemed to be the first step.

There was dust and dirt, but the stair looked intact.

What's the worst thing that can happen?

Hearing a few grunts from her left, she moved forward, almost keeping her breath.

Thankful that her eyes had adjusted to the darkness of the place and letting her fingers brush against the walls, she made one step at a time.

There aren't many steps left. The lower floor doesn't have that much height difference with the middle floor.

A few minutes away, she reached the last floor. On that side, they kept the vehicles the agents used for missions or prisoners' transportation. This was the place that the tall guy knew by heart since he was the head of the team for the maintenance of all the vehicles.

That was only the easy part. You must take him by surprise, avoid physical contact and therefore, have better chances to beat him. Let's hope I can aim fast enough.

She walked with bent knees, hiding behind the big cars, the gun on her hands.

Noticing a few men to her left. She changed her route, walking around.

Come on, where are you?

"Walk!" a man's voice said, and a couple of curses followed that single word.


Raising her head and looking through a car's mirror, she confirmed her thought. The young woman was almost being dragged by the tall man. Her hands were tied, and a bloody bandage covered her left upper arm. The front part of the chest looked oddly dark.

The bastard! He shot her twice at least and keeps torturing her. But why her?

The woman fell to the ground, and the man grabbed her hair.

"I have no intention of killing you yet. You'll either walk or I'll make sure that you'll barely breathe from now on." He released the grip on her hair and walked toward a black car.

That's my chance.

She ran toward the woman, the gun firmly in her hands. Nat spotted her and her head moved fast, her eyes filled with fear. She didn't speak because she knew that would put both of them in danger.

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