Chapter 5

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She moved her hand on her mouth, trying to suppress a shriek. Her heart was beating fast, and she felt that she couldn't breathe.

What the hell is happening? What truth? Why are they watching me? And what will he do if I find out the truth?

Her body stayed glued on the wall, and she let her head rest on it.

You got this, girl. Just focus on your breathing. Inhale, exhale... That's it.

She rubbed her face and peeked to see if they were gone.

"Are you looking for something?"

Alba closed her eyes and tried to put on a calm face before turning around.

"Everything is alright, Agent O. I was looking for my phone."

"I think it's in your back pocket."

Keep pretending.

"You are right." She put her hand where her phone was, pretending to be surprised, and then she put a big, thankful smile on her face.

He was smiling, but she noticed that the smile never reached his eyes.

"It must be strange for you."

She tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"You have a life out there. You aren't like most of us. And suddenly, you get a message, and everything crumbles down. Your plans, I mean."

"Yes, of course, but I chose this."

He smiled again, the scar on his cheek looking strange.

"I'm sure you have work to do. We are counting on you." He put more emphasis on the last sentence, almost spelling the words.

He walked closer to her, put his hands on her shoulders, and squeezed them.

She smiled back, even if her left arm was protesting in pain. Agent O left in the opposite direction, and Alba continued her original route toward Agent 40-S's room.

Let's hope that he will be in his room. I had a lot of excitement for the entire night.

She hadn't slept for almost a day. The dim light in the corridors hid the time of day, and her body couldn't fall to sleep with the constant lighting. Agent 19 was right. It was difficult for her to adjust, but the adrenalin and the fear that rushed in her veins didn't make it easier.

By the time she knocked on his door, she wasn't sure if she would tell him about everything she had heard. A part of her was whispering that maybe it was a misunderstanding, that maybe they were monitoring every agent that didn't live in the base. The other part was silent and afraid. All she wanted was to leave and breathe fresh air, away from a place full of strangers.

"Hey." His eyes were puffy, and his hair disheveled. He wore grey sweatpants and a matched T-shirt.

She pushed him aside and entered the room. The covers on his bed were messy.

I woke him up. Never mind. I'm sure he's used to not sleeping enough.

"Sorry, but I need your help."

"Did someone-"

"No." She raised her heart and shook her head.

He was looking at her, and he seemed concerned.

Why can't you remember? Everything would be so much easier. Stupid brain!

"I need to rest and have a shower, but I don't know where my room is."

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