Chapter 8

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Alba was sitting on her bed, her back touching the wall, her eyes staring at the opposite wall. The tablet on her legs was still turned on, the file of the Bratislava mission was lighting the dark room.

That's why everyone wants to catch them. They blew up four agents and almost killed me and Axel. Who knows what happened afterward that he doesn't want to speak about it?

She closed her eyes and focused, but nothing happened. No memories surged; There was only the usual blank, empty space in her mind.

I need to learn more. I was hit too, but I don't have scars.

She started searching the medical files. A minute passed when her name appeared on the screen: Agent 23.

Here it is.

"Two bullets were extracted from the abdomen without damaging the internal organs."


She put her hand where her wound from the accident was.

The pole from the truck pierced my skin in the same place, that's why... What are the odds I was hit twice in the same spot within a year?

"Agent 40-S suffered a gunshot injury in the pericardial sac. Due to Agent 23's tries to stop the bleeding and the team's response, he survived, but he had to remain in the ICU for two weeks. He stayed under careful care for another month before starting some of his daily life routines. He returned to his training routine four months after the surgery."

She turned off the tablet, the room turning completely dark.

He pushed me to the ground, and he took the bullet that was meant for me. How could that person betray me?

She left her room and headed to the training room.

It was a large room with training equipment, weapons, and a secluded area for target training. A few agents were there, fighting in groups. She greeted them and went to the farthest corner where he was alone, hitting a punching bag.

He wore grey sweatpants, and sweat was dripping on his bare chest. His hair was wet, and his hands were wrapped.

"I figured you'd be here."

"You know me that good?"

"I had to choose between the training room or the Great Room. I like to risk."

He hadn't stopped hitting the box, but she earned his grin.

"I read what happened in Bratislava." She waited for his response, but he didn't say anything.

He started punching with greater force.

"Why didn't you tell me that you saved my life? If I knew, I wouldn't..."

"If you knew, what? You would trust me? You would tell me that you are going to sneak a tablet into your room? Because that's the only way to find out information in secret. Or would we start bonding?"

His eyes were looking at the boxing bag, but she felt that looking at her wouldn't be much different.

"I don't remember anything," she hissed. "You said you'll help me, and when I asked you about it, you didn't say anything. What kind of help is that?"

"What happened there, isn't important anymore."

Inhale, exhale...

She was holding herself from screaming, but she didn't know why she wanted to scream.

"Oh, stop that." She grabbed his arm and tried to stop him.

"I'm leaving for the mission, and I want to stay focused."

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