Chapter 13

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A young girl with green eyes was sitting on the ground, in the middle of a garden full of flowers. All the colors of the rainbow were looking at her, as she carefully caressed every petal gently, afraid to hurt them.

"Are you going to do this to every flower in your grandmother's garden?" a man asked her.

"Yes." She smiled and returned to her work.

"Don't you think it's pointless? I haven't heard of anyone hugging flowers."

She pouted. "I don't hug them; I kiss them with my fingers. Who said that only humans need kisses?"

The man shook his head, struck by his daughter's innocence.

"Do you mind if I help you?"

"Sure, just be careful not to hurt them."

He sat beside his daughter, following her orders and petting the flowers with the thousand colors.

"Dad? Do you think I can do this when I grow up?"

"Kiss the flowers?"

"No, silly. Of course I can do that." She giggled, and her father's eyes brightened more than the sun. "I wonder if I'll have time to enjoy moments like these."

He raised an eyebrow. "Did you read your mother's book, again?"

She clasped her hands and tried to give her most innocent smile. "Maybe?"

"Oh, Alba." He hugged his daughter and kissed her head. A smell of roses hit his nostrils, like the one his wife's hair used to smell. "I hope you'll never lose your innocence. If only the world had more Alba's."

"Nah, I'm unique. Grandmother says that I'm a precious star, and like stars, there is no one like me." She grinned and hid in his hug.

"Of course not," he whispered.

"Alba!" She heard a man's voice calling her, but her father was still hugging her, without speaking. No one else was in the garden, and she believed that she had imagined the voice.

"Alba!" the voice screamed louder this time.

She felt herself shaking uncontrollably, and her father disappeared.

"Dad?" She tried to stand but something was holding her close to the ground. One by one the flowers disappeared, and the sun hid behind grey clouds.

"Alba, wake up!"

What is happening? Where is everyone? she wondered, but no one answered. Everything became grey and dusty, and the young girl could do nothing to stop it.

She took a deep breath as she opened her eyes. At first, she couldn't see through the dust, but slowly, a pair of hazel eyes appeared not far from her face.

"Oh my God! You are okay!"

He cupped her face, and a smile of relief appeared on his face.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. Everything happened too fast. Part of the corridor collapsed, and I barely had time to drag you back to the office."

She tried to stand up, but everything around her was moving in a weird way.

"Be careful."

"Where is-?"

"The Chief is okay. His office wasn't damaged except for a few paintings and objects. He's trying to reach the Great Room."

"It felt like-"

"Like a bomb, I know." He finished the sentence for her as she couldn't find the correct word.

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