Chapter 9

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Everything looked normal in the base except for the busy Great Room that was full of agents of all specialties. Agent 16-E and her team, Assistant Agent X and some other people, whose names Alba ignored, were there. Everyone had something to do, but they were mostly waiting.

Alba was handling the satellite, tracking the enemy and their movements. Neva and Azarov were in an old, wooden house in the mountains in the midst of trees and dangerous slopes.

"Five more kilometers until point A," she said.

Agent 19 and the cute guy from the electronics team, Agent 465, were working on blocking the enemy's signal.

"Four kilometers," Alba announced.

"Sir, there are two cars in point A and another two in point B. We spotted ten and twelve people respectively," Assistant Agent X said.

"You heard her, team. Remember that we want to arrest them, not kill them. The chip is somewhere out there, and we might not find it without them."

"Yes, sir," many agents said at the same time through their earpiece.

"Three kilometers."

The cars stopped, and most of the agents continued on foot, spreading around point A and point B. They were armed with different weapons and knives, though their clothing wasn't too heavy in order to facilitate their movements at the uneven, rocky place.

Agent 40-S was heading to point B with eight more agents. He was walking carefully, trying to avoid the piles of fallen leaves and broken branches.

He raised his right hand, and his team stopped at once.

"I'm here," he whispered.

"I'm blocking their signal," Agent 19 said.

"On my count," the Chief said and the Great Room fell quiet. "One, two, three, go!"

The PROTEA agent's attacked at the same time at the two spots. Soon the speaker of the Great Room roared with gunshots, shouts, anguished voices and thumps from the fallen bodies.

Alba had adjusted her microphone and only Axel could hear her. The others were taking orders and advice from other people.

"Nine o'clock," she said before an enemy raised his gun.

Axel turned to his left and shot first. "Thanks."

"Someone's trying to go to the house, run to two o'clock," she warned him, and he started running.

Many different screens were zooming in different agents, but from the huge screen on the wall of the room, you could see that PROTEA was winning so far.

"There's movement in the house!"

"Point A is clear," the Chief announced.

"They heard us! Someone's trying to-"

The agent didn't finish his sentence as a piercing sound put an end to his words.

"Continue as planned," the Chief ordered.

A few agents stayed behind to detain those who didn't die and make sure that no one could use their cars. The rest of the team ran to the house, where the third group was already fighting in the back side.

Axel and Rob were leading. The first one kicked the door, the hinges went loose, and the door opened.

An agent was hit beside Axel, and he ran to cover himself behind a couch. A second later, Rob landed himself near Axel. They were facing the open front door, while the bullets tried to pierce the couch. A few agents were still outside either trying to get inside or running to help the third team.

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